『壹』 初中英語教師資格證
『貳』 要考初中英語教師資格證,但是語法不太好,求推薦語法方面的參考書!
『叄』 初中英語教師資格證考什麼
1.單項選擇題 2.材料分析題 3.寫作題
1.單項選屬擇題 2.辨析題(判斷正誤,並說明理由) 3.簡答題 4.材料分析題
1.語言知識與能力:①單項選擇題(語言知識) ②單項選擇題(閱讀能力)
2.語言教學知識與能力:①單項選擇題 ②簡答題
『肆』 初中英語教師資格證 英語試講教案怎麼寫
Unit 1
Where』s your pen pal from?
Language goal
. In this unit students learn to talk about where people are from.
Canada ,France, Japan the United States, Australia, Singapore, The United Kingdom, China
3.Target language:
Where is your pen pal from? /she is from Canada.
Where does she live? /She lives in Toronto.
What language does she speak? /She speaks English and French.
Where questions /What questions
Key Points
Where questions /What questions
The names of different countries /The languages of different countries /The differences of 「be」 and 「do」 in the sentence.
Section A
1a. This activity provides guided listening and pronunciation practice using the target language.
1.Point to the numbered list of words. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.
2.Play the recoding a second time. Ask Ss to repeat the names of the countries
3.Let Ss read the new words aloud indivially or in pairs.
1b. This activity provides listening practice using the target language.
1.Point out the list of countries in 1a. Let Ss circle the names of the countries the people are talking about.
2.Play the recording the first time.
3.Play the recording a second time. Ss only listen.
4.Check the answers. (Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore)
1c. This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.
1. Point out the conversations in the picture and ask a student to read each one with you, then in pairs, in groups.
2. Ask various pairs to present a new one to the class.
2a. This activity provides reading and spelling practice using the target language.
1. Point out the list of countries. Read and ask Ss to repeat.
2. Point out the list of cities. Read and ask Ss to repeat aloud.
3. Ask Ss to work, offer help as needed.
4. Correct the work.
2b. This activity provides listening practice using the target language.
1. Call attention to the list of cities and countries in 2a. Let Ss circle them when they hear the conversations at the first time.
2. Play the recording a second time.
3. Check the answers.(Japan, Tokyo ,France ,Paris, Australia, Sydney)
2c. This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.
1. Call attention to the chart in 2c. Play the first conversation on the tape.
2. Play the recording again and have Ss fill in the chart.
3. Check the answers.
2d. This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.
1. Call attention to the conversation in the picture.
2. Ask two Ss to read it to the class.
3. Ask Ss to work in small groups. Appoint a leader. Make sure everyone talks about at least one of the people on the chart.
4. Ask pairs of Ss to present their conversations to the class.
Grammar focus
1.Review the grammar box. Ask Ss to say the questions and answers.
1) Where is your pen pal from? He is from Australia.
2.Where does he live? He lives in Sydney.
2. Ask Ss to make more sentences with 「where, from. and live
3a. This activity provides reading and spelling practice .
1. Point out the diagram and explain how it works.
2. Read the instructions to the class. Ask Ss to work in pairs.
3. Correct the answers.(1.China 2.The United States ,The United Kingdom, Australia,3.Singapore)
3b. This activity provides guided oral practice.
1. Call attention to the conversation in the picture. Ask two Ss to read it to the class. Answer their questions about the conversation.
2. Ask Ss to work in pairs.
3. Ask several students to perform their conversations for the class.
4. This activity provides listening, speaking, reading and writing practice
1. Explain the procere.
2. Play the game.
Section B
1.This activity provides reading practice
1. Point out the language textbooks on the desktop.
2. Call attention to the notebook page with the countries listed.
3. Point out the sample answer .
4. Ask Ss to write the letter of the correct country in the box next to the title of each language book., ask Ss to work in pairs.
5. Ask a student to write his or her answers on the board.
2a. This activity provides listening practice.
1. Call attention to the conversation bubbles in the picture.
2. Play the recording, number each question you bear on the tape.
3. Play the recording a second time.
4. Check the answers.(Answers: What』s her name?1 /Where is she from?2 /Does she have any brothers and sister? 3 /Does she speak English?)
2b. This activity provides listening and writing practice.
1. Call attention to the numbered questions in 2a,ask different Ss to read it
2. Point out the answer blanks in 2b and the sample answer.
3. Play the tape and ask Ss to complete the answers indivially.
4. Correct the answers.
2c. This activity provides oral practice
1. Ask each student to work with a partner. Ask and answer
2. Practice one or two exchanges with a student. Then work in pairs.
3. Ask a pair of Ss to perform the conversation for the class.
3a. This activity provides reading and writing practice.
1. Call attention to the letter. Read it to the class or a student to read it for you.
2. Point to the four questions beneath the letter.
3. As Ss work, move around .and help them.
4. When they are finished, ask the questions orally and ask Ss to answers.
5. Write the correct answers on the board so that Ss can check the spelling and other details of their answers.(1.Toronto,Canada,2.A pen pal in China 3.English and a little French. 4.He likes going to the movies with his friends and playing sports. )
3b. This activity provides reading and writing practice.
1. Call attention to the letter from Tom King.
2. Point out the blanks in the letter. Ask them to find the information to complete the letter .
3. Read the letter to the class saying 「blank」.
4. Ask Ss to write the missing words on the blank lines indivially.
5. Correct the answers.
3c. This activity provides open-ended practice.
Ask Ss to make their own information card and then write an email about themselves. Tell them to use 3b as an example.
『伍』 初中英語教師資格證科三有什麼復習技巧
『陸』 初級中學英語學科教師資格證復習材料
『柒』 教師資格證試講(初中英語)的重點
『捌』 教師資格證中初中英語學科知識與教學能力考試題型有哪些呀
幼兒園教師資格考試筆試科目為《綜合素質》 《保教知識與能力》2 科;
小學教師資格考試筆試科目為《綜 合素質》《教育教學知識與能力》2 科;
初級中學、普通高 級中學教師和中等職業學校文化課教師資格考試筆試科目 為《綜合素質》《教育知識與能力》《學科知識與教學能力》 3 科;
中等職業學校專業課教師和實習指導教師資格考試筆試科目為《綜合素質》《教育知識與能力》《專業知識與教 學能力》3 科。
『玖』 初中英語教師資格證
首先我認為李陽.克立茲的瘋狂英語並不能稱之為一套絕對理想的,完整的學習方法.李陽在教材里的有些話的確是有些言過其實的.但我覺得我們並不能因為他的不甚完整就全盤否定,視而不見他優秀的,發光的地方.應該說每一種學習方法都有其優缺點,我們應該用自己的頭腦取長補短,真對自己的實際情況對症下葯.我覺得把李陽.克立茲理解成是一種突破口,一種突破方法是很合適的,尤其是在口語方面.李陽老師所提出的"三最口腔訓練","一口氣訓練法"等等,我都進行了刻苦認真的練習,應該說效果還是很明顯的,的確使自己在說英語時嘴巴順溜多了.的確,一些基本句型的熟練掌握對自己英語的基本功和學習的信心都有很大的幫助.我希望想真正掌握英語的朋友們要下決心,下死心把這些基本句型倒背如流,這些句型其實拿起市面上隨便一本口語教材就以足夠了.很多朋友看不起這些簡單的口語句型,總喜歡買些動輒五六十元的高級某某某教材,買好以後看了沒幾頁又找個自我開脫的理由束之高閣.寫到這里使我想起我一直想說出來的話,也許得罪了不少朋友:中國的學生學英語太急功近利了.在我以前的推廣過程中,很多朋友問我的第一句話就是:要多長時間才能學會哪?我就告訴大家:One year is enough.可是現在我就不這么說了,我總是問他們:你的中文怎麼樣?回想一下,你的中文學了多少年?到了什麼水平呢?我們絕大對數的中國人的漢語水平也就是看看報紙,交流交流,又有幾個人能寫出漂亮的文章呢?有時我看到鄰家上一年級的小女孩在認真的一個字一個字的拼寫,用每個生詞造句聯句,這么一干就是四五年的時間,到了小學畢業,好!總算可以寫上一篇"小豆腐乾"文章了,不知道現在讀我這篇文章的朋友們是否還保存著自己那時的文章,有的話拿出來看看,一定會啞然失笑的.那不算!有的朋友說我們那時還是小孩嗎!學習能力有限嘛!那好!在這以後的幾年,幾十年裡我們和漢語朝夕相處,每天都在吸收新的信息,在座的各位又有幾位敢拍拍胸脯說:我的中文成功了,我說的漢語漂亮極了.我能用中文隨手寫出漂亮的文章!至少我自己是絕不敢這么crazy的.另外可別忘了,所有這些都是我們在無比優越的純中文環境下的學習成果.說到這里,我們再想一想英語的學習吧!我不是在給大家潑冷水,打擊大家學習英語的沖天信心.我自己也一直在想:我們要有crazy的精神,crazy的方法,但我們不能有crazy的幻想.尤其是違背客觀規律的crazy.所以我碰到的所有英語教授,講師都在苦口婆心的告訴我:學好一門外語是一輩子的事情!這個道理我也是最近一兩年才領悟到的.就是現在,在我的進修班裡,我還常常聽到"考完這門,我再也不學了."的聲音.大家用理智想一想,我們的中文學到現在不還是每天都在添磚加瓦嗎?!我在用李陽的方法刻苦訓練的時候,口腔肌肉特別利落,口語感覺特好.可是我現在已經有一段時間沒這么瘋狂了,馬上就感到口語水平大不如從前了.所以說外語要常學常用,這個"常"字不僅是指頻率上,更是指時間的跨度上.每個人都一樣,李陽老師也不例外,不進則退!Crazy的方法的確能使我們在段時期內獲得有效的長進,但決不是,也不可能是一勞永逸的方法,世界上也不存在這種方法.所以下一次我想和大家交流一下學好英語的必要條件:恆心和毅力.
『拾』 初中教師資格證英語語法課怎麼設計
Teaching Aims:
Knowledge aim: Students can know the basic rules of subjective mood, and build up a network of the grammar.
Ability aim: Students can use the subjective mood correctly and flexibly in different situations.
Emotional aims: Students can develop a sense of cooperation and be ready to overcome difficulties in study.
Teaching Key Points: Students can sue the subjective mood correctly.
Teaching Difficult Points: Help students to understand and learn how to use the subjective mood in their real life.
Teaching Methods: Communicative teaching approach; Situational teaching method
Teaching Aids: Multi-media
Teaching Proceres:
Step 1 Warming-up: Sing the song 「If You Are Happy 」
Step 2 Presentation:
Set 3 situations to show some sentences and lead students to do a summary.
Situation1:I am a fan of Justin Bibber. I am going to the concert held by Justin. Now I image…
If I had his voice, I would sing from morning till night;
If I sang as well as him, I would sing a song for you now;
If I were Justin Bibber, I would hold a concert for you.
Situation2: A week ago, Justin Bibber held a concert in Hong Kong, I didn』 buy a ticket in advance, so I had to wait for hours to buy it. It suddenly rained heavily. Unluckily, I didn』t take my umbrella. At that time, I was thinking…
If I had bought a ticket in advance, I wouldn』t have waited so long;
If I had taken an umbrella with me, I wouldn』t have been wet all over.
Situation3: After the concert, I took a taxi home. Unluckily, I found I had left my wallet and keys in the taxi, I was very worried. But very soon, the taxi driver returned my bag to me, and he left hurriedly before I could thank him. I wish…
If I saw the taxi driver one day, I would thank him face to face;
If I were to see him, I might give him 500RMB as a reward;
If I should see someone in help, I would give him a hand without a second thought.
Concept: Subjective is to express the speaker』s wishes or hypothesis, not facts.
The structures are like below:
Step 3 Practice:
1. If I ___(be) a tree, I ____(provide) shelter for my family.
2. If I ___(have) a lot of money, I ___(travel) around the world.
3. If there ___(be) no water and air, there ___(be) no living things in the world.
4.If there were no living thing in the world, the world ___(come) to the end.
5.If he ___(not eat) so much watermelon, he ___(not suffer) stomachache.
6. If he hadn』t been sent to hospital in time, he ___(die).
Step 4 Proction
Translate the following sentences into English.
如果他的爸爸還在世, 他一定會好好聽話;
Step 5 Summary and homework
Ask a student to do a summary about what we have learnt today. And ask students to write a passage about their unforgettable experiences and their wishes about future, using the subjective mood.
Blackboard Design: