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1. 牛津英語8B課文翻譯



2. 牛津英語8BUnit6片語 幫忙整理一下 要中英對照 100個 辛苦了 有懸賞

Unit 6
1.再一些 some more
2.最大的籌款活動 one of the biggest fund-raising events
many other parts of Asia
4.一次艱難的遠足 a tough hike
5.在48小時之內 within 48 hours
6.一次極好的機會 an excellent chance
7.學習團隊精神 learn team spirit
8.互相支持 support each other
9.至少 at least
keep …comfortable
try one』s best to do
support development projects
13.為什麼不做某事? why not do sth?
14.參加 take part in
15. 以…出名 be known as
16. 完成某事 finish doing
17.保持健康 keep fit
18.看不起某人 look down on
19.發生 take place
20.後援小組 a support team
21.在某些方面 in some ways
22.在去…途中 on the way to
hear sb do/doing sth
24.捉迷藏 play hide-and-seek
25.注意 pay attention to
it』s + adj + (for sb.) to do
27.在湖邊 by the lake
28.迷路 get lost
29.記得做某事 remember to do sth.
30. 向…學習 learn from
31.更多的信息 further information
32.雖然,盡管 even though
8A Unit 6片語、句型及語法復習提綱
序號 Chinese English
1 自然災害 natural disasters
2 全身濕透 be/get all wet
3 將…拖干凈(代詞放中間) mop…up
4 將…沖走(代詞放中間) wash…away
5 輸掉比賽 lose the game
6 好幾千人(成千上萬的人) thousands of people
7 猛烈地撞到…上 crash into…
8 引起一場大的火災 start/cause a big fire
9 驚恐地(處於恐懼之中) in fear
10 地下的炸彈 bombs below/under the ground
11 從….上掉下來/摔下來 fall off = fall (down) from =drop from
倒下、掉下 fall down
跌倒、絆倒 fall over
倒下 come down = fall
12 朝四面八方跑去 run in all directions=run in every direction
13 跑出…../跑進…. run out of … / run into…
14 盡某人最大努力做某事 try one』s best to do sth.
15 鎮定下來、平靜下來 calm down
16 最後 finally = at last = in the end
17 結束 be over = end
18 被困住 be trapped
19 自言自語 say to oneself
20 片刻的恐懼 a moment of fear
21 (大聲)求救 shout/call/scream for help
22 到處 everywhere = here and there
23 沒有任何吃的東西 have nothing to eat
24 興奮的叫聲 excited shouts
25 急匆匆地去干某事 be in a (great) hurry to do sth.
26 降一點點 drop a little
降到零下5度 drop to -5℃
27 大約7度 (be) around 7℃
28 變得更壞 become/get worse
29 找借口 make excuses / make an excuse
30 叫某人(不要)做某事 tell/ask sb. (not) to do sth.
建議某人(不要)做某事 advise sb. (not) to do sth.
警告某人(不要)做某事 warn sb. (not) to do sth.
命令某人(不要)做某事 order sb. (not) to do sth.
31 把….搬走(代詞放中間) move …away
32 精神緊張 be nervous
33 經歷地震後而存活下來 survive the earthquake
34 聽起來像… sound like….
天氣預報 weather forecast
36 鎖門 lock the door
37 跑下樓 run down the stairs
38 將(電器)打開/關閉 turn …on/off
將(電器音量)調高/調低 turn …up/down
39 走出教室 walk out of the classroom
40 一個接一個 one by one = one after another
41 一個事故報告 an accident report
42 打電話給110熱線 call the 110 hotline
43 到達時間 the time of arrival
44 (嚴重)受傷(系表結構) be (badly/seriously) hurt
45 著火 catch fire = be on fire
46 警方(集體名詞) the police
47 在風中 in the wind
48 除了做某事外不能做任何事 do nothing but do sth. (前面do不以是別的動詞,後面do可以是任何動詞,但必須是原形)
49 朝….外看/朝….里看 look out of…. / look into…
50 繼續做(同一件)事 continue to do sth. = continue doing sth.
=go on doing sth. = go on with sth.
51 用….將….蓋起來 cover…with…..
….被…..覆蓋起來 …..be covered with …
1.My house is all wet.
★2.Who』s going to mop it up if you don』t come with me?
3.A young boy fell from a tree and hurt his legs.
★4.A coach crashed into a tree last night.
★5.At first, I felt a slight shaking through my body.
★6.People looked at each other in fear.
★7.People ran in all directions. They didn』t know where to go.
8.Some people ran out of the shopping centre. I tried my best to run out to the street, too.
★9.People ran wildly as pieces of glass and bricks fell down. Then the walls began to come down too.
★10.I did not even know where I was(賓從).
11. 「I』m trapped,」 I said to myself.
★12.A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.
★★13.People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones.
★14.He survived the earthquake in 1999.
15.It sounded like bombs under the ground.
★★16.It rained heavily last night.= There was a heavy rain last night.
It will be snowy tomorrow. = It will snow tomorrow.= There will be snow tomorrow.
17.It took me longer to get to school.
★18.Everybody had to hurry since there would be no buses in two hours.
★★19.Mr Wu told us to go home. / Mr Wu asked Simon to close the windows.
Simon advised Daniel to wear a raincoat./ Mr Wu warned us not to run.
He told us to walk out of the classroom one by one. / Mr Wu ordered Simon to close the windows.
★20.The snow covers the whole place. = The whole place is covered with the snow.
★21.A man named Su Ning called the 110 hotline at 7:40p.m. using his mobile phone.
★22.Mr Su felt cold and frightened but he was not hurt.
23.I know that bad weather can be dangerous.
Bad weather sometimes causes natural disasters.
24.There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning.
★25.Her school caught fire because lightning hit it.
26.Snow continued to fall around us.
★27.We lost our umbrella in the wind and I nearly fell over.
★★28.We could do nothing but walk slowly in the storm.
29.I looked out of the window and saw that people were in a hurry to remove the snow.
1.because, as , since 引導原因狀語從句。
2.用動詞不定式來報告某人的命令、請求和建議。warn/tell/ask/order/advise sb. (not) to do sth.

3. 牛津英語8b unit3 reading翻譯(蘇教版)

好消息!一個叫做《八小時環游世界》的新教育光碟剛剛出版了。它聽起來很有趣回,不是嗎?這張光碟可以幫助答你同時學習英語和地理。它是Nancy Jackson設計的。沒錯,她是孩子們最喜歡的光碟《在線旅遊者》的設計者!這個精彩新游戲的主角是癢癢腳。他是一個十三歲的男孩,喜歡旅遊。一天,他正躺在草地上看美麗的藍天,當他睡著時做了一個非常奇怪的夢。在他的夢里,他看見了一片金色的雲。上面寫著這些字:「歡迎,旅行者!看見那些上面寫著問題的彩色大雲了嗎?你每次回答對一個問題會得到一分。當你得到足夠的分數時,一片雲會下來帶你去一個你之前從未遊玩過的地方。你准備好了嗎?走吧!」

4. 牛津英語8bunit4 reading翻譯

八小時之內環游世界 好消息!一個全新的名叫「八小時之內環游世界」的教育光碟剛剛出版。它聽起來讓人感興趣,不是嗎?這個光碟能幫助你同時學英語和地理、它是由南希·傑克遜設計的。是的,她是孩子們最喜歡的光碟「網上旅行者」的設計者! 這款精彩的新游戲的主要人物是癢癢腳,他是一個愛旅行的13歲男孩。一天,他躺在草地上看著美麗的藍天,當他睡著的時候,做了一個奇怪的夢。 在他的夢里,他看到一朵金色的雲。它上面還寫著這些字:「歡迎,旅行者們!」看見上面那些有問題的不同顏色的大塊雲朵了嗎?你每次答對一題就得一分。當你得到足夠分數的時候,一朵雲就會飄下,把你帶到一個你以前從未去過的地方,你准備好了嗎?讓我們出發! 當你玩這款游戲時,你就扮演癢癢腳這個角色。這款游戲有八個級別,你完成每個級別大約要用一個小時。如果你聰明,你就能在八小時內環游世界! 這個光碟通過檢測你的英語語法與詞彙知識來幫你學習英語。每次你到達一個新地方,你會在你的屏幕上看到許多關於那個地方的有用的資料。例如,當你到達倫敦時,你會了解倫敦世界博物館和其他有趣的地方。每次過一個級別,你將會看到一張世界地圖。你到過的地方用亮紫色做上標記。八個級別都通過後你將會看見什麼?哦,那就自己去發現吧! 這款游戲是市場上最暢銷的之一。你真的會喜歡它的。在所有的計算機商店和書店都能買到它。在它賣完之前趕快去買吧! 不會是這個吧

5. 牛津英語深圳版8B environment reading部分

The Green Consumer
The Young Consumer Guide says that our world is in danger.We must do something to save earth.There are many environmental problems.What are they?
The greenhouse effect
The writers ask us to imagine Earth inside a kind of greenhouse.The atmosphere around earth acts like the glass.It let sunlight in and keeps much of the warmth from getting out. It is important to us all.
"Without it,Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the surface of the moon."
"The trouble is that our atmosphere is changing because we are polluting it with chemicals—in the form of gases—and it is kepping in too much heat!"This will cause the level of seas to rise and drown cities and even countries.
Destruction of rainforests
The burning and cutting down of trees is making the greenhouse effect worse because trees take in harmful gases.It will also cause flods because trees can help hold soil together,and soil absorbs water when it rains.
Bad habits
Many of our habits cause pollution,especially our habit of using things once and then throwing them away.This creates mountains of rubbish and it pollutes our land and seas.For exanple,people throw away as many as ten billion bottles in the UK every year. That is enough to reach all the away from Earth to the moon.
How can we save Earth?
In order to save Earth,the book is asking us to become"green consumers".That is,we should only buy and use"environmentally friendly"things.These things will not damage the environment.


6. 牛津英語8b總復習

時態名稱 構成基本形式 信息詞
一般現在時 am/ is/ are; do/ does; V/ V-s usually, often, always, sometimes, seldom, never,
every day, twice a month
一般過去時 was/ were ; did; V-ed yesterday, last night, two days ago, just now, the next day
現在進行時 am/ is/ are + V-ing now, at the moment, at present, right now
過去進行時 was/ were + V-ing at 8:30 yesterday evening, at that time,this time yesterday
現在完成時 have / has +Vp.p. already, since, ever, yet, just,for, recently, never, in the past few years
一般將來時 will / be going to + V tomorrow, next week, soon


短動詞 長動詞
buy have had
borrow have kept
arrive / come / go have been in
leave have been away from
die have been dead
join have been in / have been a member of
begin / start have been on
stop have been over
get married have been married
get to know have known
open have been open
close have been closed

just now 與just just now 用於一般過去時
(He drank a bottle of apple juice just now) just用於現在完成時
(I have just seen Sandy)
ago 與before He came here three days ago I have never been here before
already與yet already 用於現在完成時的肯定句 (I have already done my homework.) yet 用於現在完成時的否定句和一般疑問句 (I haven』t done my homework yet.) (Have you done your homework yet?)
since 與 for Since+一點時間 / 或+ 一般過去時句子 for a month (for +一段時間)= since a month ago
ever 與 never ever 曾經 never從不
have been to 去過某地; have been in 呆在某地; have gone to 去了某地

4. 主動語態和被動語態變化表:
時態 主動語態 被動語態
一般現在時 Subject + Verb(s) + Object Object + am/ is/ are + Vp.p. + by Subject
一般過去時 Subject + Verb-ed + Object Object + was/ were + Vp.p. + by Subject

7. 牛津英語8B unit4 語法 和 和所有的片語有的說下,謝謝了!

一 片語
1 做慈善演出的主持人 be the host of a charity show
2 白天少睡點 sleep less ring the day
3 多練習 practice a lot
4 在英特網上登廣告 advertise on the Internet
5 散發(傳單) give out (leaflets)
6 組織一次慈善演出 organize a charity show
7 綠色希望工程 Project Green Hope
8 希望工程 Project Hope
9 拯救中國虎 Save China』s Tigers
10 春蕾計劃 Spring Bud Project
11 為某人(某組織)籌款/募捐 raise money for sb.
捐某物(錢)給某人 donate sth.(money) to sb.
12 回到學校 return to school = come back to school
13 幫忙(某人)做某事 help(sb.) with sth. = help (sb.) do sth.
14 艱苦的工作 hard work
努力工作(學習) work hard
15 開始演出排練 start working on the show
16 在適當的時候 at the right time
17 在同時 at the same time
18 在開始;起初 in the beginning = at first
在末尾;最後 in the end = at last = finally
19 變得容易一點 became a little bit easier
20 一直問我自己(一直做某事) keep asking myself (keep doing sth.)
21 大聲地說話 speak loudly
22 發出很多噪音 make a lot of noise
23 得到當地企業的大力技持 have/get a lot of support from local businesses
24 幫助需要的人 help people in need
25 開一個會 have/hold a meeting
舉辦一次慈善演出 have/hold a charity show
26 通過賣物品和提供服務來掙錢 make money by selling goods and services
27 選擇某人來做某事 choose sb. to do sth.
28 使你的聲音聽起來更大些 make your voice sound louder
29 對……感興趣(延) be interested in
對……產生了興趣(短) become interested in
30 掛在舞台前面 hang in front of the stage
31 想要這次演出取得成功 want the show to be a success
32 邀請我吃午餐 invite me to lunch
33 搭建舞台 set up (the stage)
34做出決定 make a decision / make some decisions
決定做某事 decide to do sth. = make a decision to do sth.
35 志願做某事 volunteer to do sth.
36 注意某物 pay attention to sth.
37 希望你(度過)一個快樂的假期 wish you [a happy holiday]
希望你(有)好運 wish you [good luck]
38 迫不急待做某事 can』t wait for sth. = can』t wait to do sth.
39 因為(做)某事而感謝某人 thank sb. for (doing)sth.
40 學會讀書和寫字 learn to read and write
41 去上班來代替上學 go to work instead of going to school
42 使這次演出成為可能 make this show possible
43 明年再舉行一次演出 do another show next year
44 激動地鼓掌和大叫 clap and shout excitedly
1.I wish I could be the host.(虛擬語氣)
2.Because I』m going to be the host of a charity show.
3.Only if you sleep less ring the day.
4.I felt very happy when the organizers chose me to be the host.
5.We started working on the show two months ago.
6.It was my job to introce each star.= My job was to introce each star.
7.I had to remember to look at the right camera at the right time.
8.I thought I would never be able to remember all the words and do everything right at the same time.
9.No time (to be nervous) any more. This is it.再也沒有緊張的時間了,這可是關鍵的時刻。
10.The fans of the pop stars were making a lot of noise . I have to speak loudly because of the noise.
11.Everything seemed to happen so fast and now it is all over.
12.Everyone was very generous and we had/got a lot of support from local businesses.
13.I hope we can have more events like this to raise money for charities.
14.Their families have no money so the children have to go to work instead of going to school..
15.It hangs in front of the stage.
16.They all became interested in charity shows because of you.
17.I wish (that ) I could fly. (虛擬語氣)
18.I wish (that) I were Ricky. (虛擬語氣)
19.I wish you [a happy holiday].(名詞作賓補)
20.We wish you [good luck]. (名詞作賓補)
21.Our class held a meeting to talk about holding a charity show.
22.Many classmates have volunteered to do some work for the charity show.
23.I hope our charity show will be a success.= I hope our charity show will be successful.
24.I can』t wait for the next show.
25.We would like to thank the following people for their help and support.
1.because 引導原因狀語從句。so 引導結果狀語從句。(在同一句子中只能用其中之一)
2.because of +名詞/代詞/名詞性短語/動名詞短語。
3.hope 用法①hope to do sth
②hope +賓從
4.wish 用法①wish sb. to do sth
③wish + 賓語 + 形容詞(作賓補)

8. 牛津英語8b unit4 Reading 翻譯

如果你想前往英國訪問,您現在可以做到這一點沒有懸掛或渡輪。英吉利海峽隧道,或(使用其昵稱)的「 Chunnel 」 ,讓您可以乘搭火車從巴黎到倫敦,約3小時。






回答人的補充 2009-08-17 14:24 我只找到這兩篇:講究一下拉O(∩_∩)O~!

unit 3

好消息!一個叫做《八小時環游世界》的新教育光碟剛剛出版了。它聽起來很有趣,不是嗎?這張光碟可以幫助你同時學習英語和地理。它是Nancy Jackson設計的。沒錯,她是孩子們最喜歡的光碟《在線旅遊者》的設計者!

unit 5



馬醫生:失明影響全世界大概(45個百萬了 呵呵,數學不好捏)的人,主要在貧窮國家。而且這種病例的80%能夠得到治癒或預防。但是,很多人沒有錢來支付醫學治療。













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