Ⅰ 初一上英語m7短語
好好學習天天向上 初一英語就不自己找 還好意思來這兒問 問了還不給高點兒分。。。。
Ⅱ 求人教版英語八年級下冊單詞表m1到m7的同根詞總結~急用
paper 紙;紙張
pollution 污染
tree 樹
she'll = she will
building 建築物
astronaut 宇航員
rocket 火箭
space 太空
space station 太空站
fly 飛行
took 動詞內take的過去式
moon 月亮;容月球
I'll = I will
fall 落下
fell 動詞fall的過去式
fall in love with 愛上(某人或某物)
alone 單獨地
pet 寵物
parrot 鸚鵡
probably 大概
go skating 去滑冰
Ⅲ 《2015全品小復習八年級英語上冊人教a版》M7-M12的知識清單
Knowledge Inventory
Ⅳ 人教版英語M7單詞全部,要最新版的。急求
Unit 1 Can you play theguitar?
guitar[ɡɪ'tɑ:(r)] n.吉他
sing [sɪŋ] v.唱;唱歌
swim [swɪm] v. & n.游泳
dance [dɑːns], [dæns] v.跳舞 n.舞蹈
draw [drɔː] v.畫
chess [tʃes] n.國際象棋
play chess 下國際象棋
speak [spiːk] v.說(某種語言);說話
speak English 說英語
join [dʒɔɪn] v.參加;加入
club [klʌb] n.俱樂部;社團
be good at…擅長於……
tell [tel] v.講述;告訴
story ['stɔːrɪ] n.故事;小說
write [raɪt] v.寫作;寫字
show [ʃəʊ] n.演出;節目v.給……看;展示;
or [ɔː(r)] conj.或者;也不(用於否定句)
talk [tɔːk] v. & n.說話;交談
talk to…跟……說
kungfu [,kʌŋ』fuː] n.(中國)功夫
drum [drʌm] n.鼓
play the drums 敲鼓
piano [pɪ'ænəʊ] n.鋼琴
play the piano 彈鋼琴
violin [,vaɪə'lɪn] n.小提琴
play the violin 拉小提琴
also ['ɔːlsəʊ] adv.也;而且
people ['piːpl] n.人;人們
home [həʊm] n.家;活動本部 adv.到家;在家
be good with…善於應付……的;對……有辦法
make [meɪk] v.使成為;製造
make friends 結交朋友
today [tə'deɪ] adv.在今天
help (sb) with sth在某方面幫助(某人)
center ['sentə(r)] n.(=centre)中心;中央
weekend [,wiːk'end], [ 'wiː kend] n.周末
on the weekend (在)周末
teach [tiːtʃ] v教;講授
musician [mjuː'zɪʃn] n.音樂家
Jill [dʒɪl] 吉爾(女名)
Peter ['piːtə(r)] 彼得(男名)
Unit 2 What time do you go toschool?
up [ʌp] adv. 向上
get up 起床;站起
dress [dres] v.穿衣服 n.連衣裙
get dressed 穿上衣服
brush [brʌʃ] v.刷刷凈 n.刷子
tooth [tuːθ] n. (pl. teeth[tiːθ])牙齒
shower ['ʃaʊə] n. & v. 淋浴 n.淋浴器(間)
take a shower 洗淋浴
usually ['ju:ʒuəli] adv.通常地;一般地
forty ['fɔ:(r)ti] num.四十
wow [waʊ] interj.(表示驚奇或敬佩)哇;呀
never ['nevə(r)] adv.從不;絕不
early ['ɜːlɪ] adv. & adj.早(的)
fifty ['fɪftɪ] num.五十
job [dʒɒb], [dʒɑːb] n.工作;職業
work [wɜːk] v. & n. 工作
station ['steɪʃn] n.電(視)台;車站
radio station 廣播電台
o'clock [ə'klɒk], [ə'klɑ:k] adv.(表示整點)……點鍾
night [naɪt] n. 晚上;夜晚
funny ['fʌnɪ] adj.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的
exercise ['eksəsaɪz] v. & n. 鍛煉;練習
on weekends (在)周末
best [best] adj.最好的 adv.最好地;最
group [gruːp] n.組;群
half [hɑːf], [hæf] n. & pron. 一半;半數
past [pɑːst],[pæst] prep.晚於;過(時間)adj.過去的
quarter ['kwɔː(r)tə(r)] n.一刻鍾;四分之一
homework['həʊmwɜː(r)k] n. 家庭作業
do (one』s) homework 做作業
run [rʌn] v. 跑;奔
clean [kliːn] v.打掃;弄乾凈 adj.干凈的
walk [wɔːk] n. & v. 行走;步行
take a walk 散步;走一走
Ⅳ 外研版初二上英語M7單詞表
M1: sth with sth(將…和…配對) write down(寫下)
pen friend(筆友) each other(互相) enjoy oneself(過得快樂)
all the time(一直) welcome to(歡迎來…) in class(在課堂上)
help with sb/sth(幫助…) make mistakes(犯錯) be shy(害羞)
ask for advice about(詢求…的建議) the meaning of(…的意思)
take a deep breath(深呼吸)
M2:take off(起飛) come true(成為現實) more than(多於)
sell out(賣光) roast ck(烤鴨) the price of(…的價錢)
take off from(從…起飛) the first prize(一等獎)
enter a competition(參加競賽) on television(在電視里)
exciting experience(激動人心的經歷) all over China(全中國)
an Air China captain(中國民航機長) fly to(坐飛機前往…)
at the end(最後) look at(瀏覽) Bye for now(就此止筆)
M3:space station(太空站) space shuttle(太空梭)
solar system(太陽系) space travel(太空之旅)
the latest news(最新消息) there and back(往返)
be on business(出差) millions of(數百萬) a part of(一部分)
go round(繞著…運動) the Milky Way(銀河系)
so far(到目前為止) take(leave) a message【帶(留)口信】
none of(沒有一個) so far(到目前為止) as…as(和…一樣)
M4:head teacher(校長) get on (well) with【與…相處(融洽)】
hear about/of(聽說) take part (in)(參加) a few(幾個)
drop out of school(退學) look after(照顧) in fact(事實上)
take care of(照顧) the Hope School(希望學校)
pay for(付款)hear from sb(收到…的來信) because of(因為)
with the help of/with one』s help(在…的幫助下)go abroad(出國)
raise money for…(為…籌款) in China and abroad(國內外)
thousands of(數千) what…for(為什麼) be at school(在讀書)
give money(捐錢)fair price(公平價格)health care(健康保護)
M5:on earth(究竟) in addition to(除…以外) of course(當然)
recording studio(錄音室) the capital of…(…的首都)
be born in(出生於) not only…but also…(不但…而且…)
at the age of(在…歲時) Give us a brake(讓我們休息一下)
be famous for(因…而出名) the rest of(其他的…)
a sort of =a type of =a kind of(一種) strong rhythm(節奏感強)
M6:daisy chain(菊花圈) go off【(燈)熄滅;停(電)】
by the river(河邊) on the grass(草上) once or twice(一兩次)
grow up(長大) smile at(向…微笑) take photos(照相)
take…out of…(從…拿出…) have nothing to do(沒事可做)
by mistake(錯誤地) be late for(為…遲到) laugh at(嘲笑)
look into(看看) water skiing(滑水運動)
M7:a bit(稍微) shake hands(握手) be angry with sb(生…的氣)
be proud of(為…感到自豪) get ready for(為…做准備)
have something to eat(吃些東西) thanks for(因…而感謝)
introce sb to sb(把某人向某人介紹一下) be afraid(恐怕)
can』t wait to do sth(迫不及待做某事) sound like(聽起來像)
as well(也) find each other(能互相認出來)
M8:swimming pool(游泳池) on the left/right(在左/右邊)
next to(與…緊挨著) in/at/on the corner of(在…的拐角處)
between…and…(在…和…之間) walk/go along(沿著…走)
get on(off)【上(下)車】 on the way home(在回家路上)
turn…into(向…轉進入) in the middle of(在…中間)
most of(大多數) take some medicine(吃葯)
over there(在那兒) on fifth avenue(在第五大道)
M9:find out(發現) learn about(了解) live on(以…為食)
less and less(越來越少)for example(例如) take away(帶走…)
nature reserve(自然保護區) kill…for…(為了…而殺死)
make a plan(制訂計劃) the best-known(最著名的)
the symbol of(…的標志) think of(想起…) such as(例如)
at last(最後) keep…clean(保持…干凈)go back to(返回到…)
provide sth to sb(提供某物給某人)
M10:take place(發生) from…to…(從…到…) all over(遍及)
be named(被命名為) at the teahouse(在茶館里)
fall in love with sb(與某人相愛) the name of(…的名字)
a gold medal(金牌)be good for(對…有利)say goodbye(道別)
well-known(著名的) place of interest(名勝古跡)
marry sb(娶了/嫁給某人)
M11:from time to time(有時) compared to(with)(與…相比較)
best of all(最好的) the weather forecast(天氣預報)
be off to(去…離開…) choose carefully(謹慎選擇)
a lot of(lots of)【許多(可數或不可數)】 all year(全年)
a great deal of【許多(不可數)】 take photos of(拍…的照片)
play a joke on sb(和某人開玩笑) It』s pleasant to(做…使人愉快)
flow over(流動)show hair(露頭發)
M12:hang on(等待) wash up【洗(餐具)】 waste bin(垃圾箱)
baseball cap(棒球帽) chess set(國際象棋棋盤)
wrap…in…(用材料包裝) wrap…with…(用工具包裝)
cut one』s hair(理發) be different from(與…不同)
go to a wedding(參加婚禮) throw over…(把…拋過)
get married(結婚) mobile phone(行動電話)
get an move on=hurry up(趕快) light meal(簡單的聚餐)
throw sth at sb(向某人扔去…) be the same as(相同)
look up(查找單詞) can』t/couldn』t help doing sth(忍不住…)
drop litter(亂扔垃圾) not…anymore(不再…)
Ⅵ 英語語法題
1. ___to stay up to let me in-just give me a key
A there is no need for you b you don't have to c you are unnecessary d it doesn't need
若選B have to 已經有個to了,不能是 have to to stay up
若 選C 一般說it is unnecessary for sb. to do sth. 沒有必要的是這件事,而不是這個人
2. As some famous singer will appear at the pop concert _ likely to be a large audience,
a it's b here's c there's d that's
there be 句型 本身有「有」的意思 而 it is no doubt that the manager has made the right decision。 這個句型中that後面這個句子才是真正的主語,it 只是形式主語
3.__ in history when remarkable progress was made in relatively short periods of time
a There has time b It has time C it is time D There has been time
there be 句型 只有D符合 看不懂句子時,要分析句子就結構 when句是闡明time的含義的。
4. We are glad you have _______a fine brave young man .A.grown up B.brought up
grow up 是自己成長為。。。 bring up是別人養成什麼樣 注意句子說的是you have grown up 或者是we have brought up a good child
5. a. His a few friends b Few friends of his c His few friends d A few his friends
A. 去掉a B. Few friends of him D. A few of his friends
6. ___speak French very well
a THese both students b both of they c both of students d both these students
Both (the) brothers are not here.
Both his brothers are in the army. C項應該去掉of 或者是 both of them
7,Tom__ into the house when no one
aslipped was looked b had slipped looked c slipped had looked d was slipping looked
8.I don't really work here Iam just helping out until the new secretary arrives
9. If a man__ succeed he must work as hard as he can
be to do 表示安排、計劃、決定、命令或註定要發生的事 be going to 也有打算干什麼之意,
I am to be an engineer. 我就快要成為工程師了。
I am going to be an engineer. 意思就變成了:我將成為工程師。。。
10.He is late again today,I'll___ that he will no be late tomorrow
a be sure b hope for c see to it d make it to 「做成什麼事」
see to it "照料;注意,留意;負責" 後面可接that從句
11.He said he felt bad because he had been sitting uplate the night before
12.Wang Li ,I don't think you have met fengyang,a newcomer to our class 現在完成時
Ⅶ 外研社新標准英語八年級上冊 M7u1原文
Ⅷ 初二上冊英語語法and精華
你英語誰是外抄研版的嗎?如果是襲的話語法有、Mole1一般現在時、一般過去時、一般將來時、現在進行時[這是為本學期學習做准備的]。Mole2 Mole3 Mole4是現在完成時。M5是反義疑問句。M6是過去進行時。M7是表達覺和知覺的系動詞。M8是方位表達方式。M9是動詞不定式。M10是動詞不定式和雙賓語。M11是情態動詞may/might和動詞不定式做主語。M12是情態動詞must/can
Ⅸ 英語人教版初一第8,7單元語法
M7 一般現在時表示經常或習慣性的動作
當主語是第三人稱單數時 一般現在時
肯定句 主語+動詞單三+其他 否定句 主語+doesn't+動詞原形+其他 一般疑問句 Does+主語+動詞原形+其他 肯定回答 Yes,主語+does 否定回答 No,主語+doesn't 特殊疑問句 特殊疑問詞+一般疑問句 當主語不是第三人稱單數時 肯定句 主語+動詞原形+其他 否定句 主語+don't+動詞原形+其他 一般疑問句 Do+主語+動詞原形+其他 用錯結構全句都錯,一定要注意。
我們一般在時間前加介詞at 表示「在」。
1、整點表達法:鍾點數+o『clock 譯為「幾點」
3、特殊表達法(使用名詞① quarter 一刻鍾 ②half 一半)
what about /how about +doing 、名詞、人稱代詞 表示怎樣
M8 頻率副詞
1.頻率副詞是表示與次數,頻率有關的副詞,如: always(總是), usually(通常),frequently(經常) often (經常)sometimes(有時), seldom(不常),rarely(極少),never(從不) once(一次), twice(兩次),等。 2.頻率副詞用在be動詞後。 3.頻率副詞用在主要動詞前。4.頻率副詞用在助動詞與主要動詞之間。5.在答句中,頻率副詞必須放在助動詞前。
1、大多數動詞在詞尾加「S」在清輔音後發音為[s],在濁輔音及母音後發音為 [z]。如:
①stop-stops [s] ; make-makes [s]
②read-reads [z] ; play-plays [z]
2、以輔音字母加「y」結尾的,要先將「y」變為「i」,然後在加「es」讀[iz] 如:
fly-flies [z]; carry-carries [z]
study-studies [z]; worry-worries
3、以「s, x, ch, sh」結尾的,在詞尾加「es」,發音為[iz] 如:
teach-teaches [iz]; watch-watches [iz]
4、以「o」結尾的動詞,加「es」,讀[z] 如:
go-goes [z] do-does [z]
許多 大量
a (great/good) many +可數名詞復數
a (large)number of + 可數名詞復數
a few + 可數名詞復數
a little +不可數名詞
a large amount of + 不可數名詞
a (great) deal of + 不可數名詞
a lot of + 可數名詞復數/不可數名詞
plenty of + 可數名詞復數/不可數名詞
a (large) quantity of + 可數名詞復數/不可數名詞
Ⅹ 初一英語上冊7.8.9單元的單詞以及語法聚焦
M7 一般現在時表示經常或習慣性的動作
當主語是第三人稱單數時 一般現在時
肯定句 主語+動詞單三+其他 否定句 主語+doesn't+動詞原形+其他 一般疑問句 Does+主語+動詞原形+其他 肯定回答 Yes,主語+does 否定回答 No,主語+doesn't 特殊疑問句 特殊疑問詞+一般疑問句 當主語不是第三人稱單數時 肯定句 主語+動詞原形+其他 否定句 主語+don't+動詞原形+其他 一般疑問句 Do+主語+動詞原形+其他 用錯結構全句都錯,一定要注意。
我們一般在時間前加介詞at 表示「在」。
1、整點表達法:鍾點數+o『clock 譯為「幾點」
3、特殊表達法(使用名詞① quarter 一刻鍾 ②half 一半)
what about /how about +doing 、名詞、人稱代詞 表示怎樣
M8 頻率副詞
1.頻率副詞是表示與次數,頻率有關的副詞,如: always(總是), usually(通常),frequently(經常) often (經常)sometimes(有時), seldom(不常),rarely(極少),never(從不) once(一次), twice(兩次),等。 2.頻率副詞用在be動詞後。 3.頻率副詞用在主要動詞前。4.頻率副詞用在助動詞與主要動詞之間。5.在答句中,頻率副詞必須放在助動詞前。
1、大多數動詞在詞尾加「S」在清輔音後發音為[s],在濁輔音及母音後發音為 [z]。如:
①stop-stops [s] ; make-makes [s]
②read-reads [z] ; play-plays [z]
2、以輔音字母加「y」結尾的,要先將「y」變為「i」,然後在加「es」讀[iz] 如:
fly-flies [z]; carry-carries [z]
study-studies [z]; worry-worries
3、以「s, x, ch, sh」結尾的,在詞尾加「es」,發音為[iz] 如:
teach-teaches [iz]; watch-watches [iz]
4、以「o」結尾的動詞,加「es」,讀[z] 如:
go-goes [z] do-does [z]
許多 大量
a (great/good) many +可數名詞復數
a (large)number of + 可數名詞復數
a few + 可數名詞復數
a little +不可數名詞
a large amount of + 不可數名詞
a (great) deal of + 不可數名詞
a lot of + 可數名詞復數/不可數名詞
plenty of + 可數名詞復數/不可數名詞
a (large) quantity of + 可數名詞復數/不可數名詞