㈠ 高中英語新標准必修一單詞表mole1
Mole 1 academic [,ækə'demik] adj. 學術的 province ['prɒvins] n. 省 enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'æstik] adj.熱心的, amazing [ə'meiziŋ] adj.令人吃驚的;令人驚訝的 information [,infə'meiʃən] n. 消息 website [ web』sait] n.網站;網址 brilliant ['briljənt] adj.(口語)極好的 comprehension [,kɒmpri'henʃən] n. 理解,領悟 instruction [in'strʌkʃən] n.(常作復數)指示;說明 method ['meθəd] n. 方法 bored ['bɒ: d] adj.厭煩的;厭倦的 embarrassed [im'bærəst] adj.尷尬的;難堪的;困窘的 attitude ['ætitju:d] n. 態度 behaviour [bi'heivjə] n. 行為; 舉動 previous ['pri:viəs] adj.以前的;從前的 description [di'skripʃən] n.記述; 描述 amazed [ə'meizd] adj. 吃驚的;驚訝的 embarrassing [im'bærəsiŋ] adj.令人尷尬的;令人難堪的 technology [tek'nɒlədʒi] n. 技術 impress [im'pres] vt.使印象深刻 correction [kə'rekʃən] n. 改正;糾正 encouragement [in'kʌridʒmənt] n. 鼓勵;激勵 enjoyment [in'dʒɒimənt] n.享受;樂趣 fluency ['flu:ənsi] n.流利;流暢 misunderstanding [,misʌndə'stændiŋ] n. 誤解 disappointed [,disə'pɒintid] adj. 失望的 disappointing [,disə'pɒintiŋ] adj.令人失望的 system ['sistəm] n. 制度;體系;系統 teenager ['ti:nidʒə] n.少年 disappear [,disə'piə] vi. 消失 move [mu:v] adj.搬家 assistant [ə'sistənt] n. 助手, 助理 cover ['kʌvə] vt.包含 diploma [di'pləumə] n. 文憑, 畢業證書
㈡ 高一英語必修一第一單元語法
1. MrsSmith said, 「I am going to New Yorktomorrow.」(引號中的內容為直接引語)
2. MrsSmith said that she was going to New York the next day. (劃線部分為間接引語)
細心的同學可能已經發現句1中的直接引語在變成句2中的間接引語時某些成分已經發生了變化,如: I變成了she, am變成了was, tomorrow則變成了the next day。在日常交際中,當我們需要在這兩種引語之間轉換時,究竟有什麼規律可循呢?
1. She said, 「My friends want to visit me.」→ She said her friends wanted to visither.
2. He said to Kate, 「How is your work now?」→ He asked Kate how her work was then.
3. Tom said, 「You』d better carry an umbrella just incase, Mary.」→ Tom said that Mary had better carryan umbrella just in case.
4. Mr Smith said, 「Jack is a good worker.」→ Mr Smith said Jack was a good worker.
「從一隨主」是指如果直接引語中的主語是第一人稱時,從句中的人稱變化要隨主句中 ______的人稱變化,如第1組例句。
「從二隨賓」是指如果直接引語中的主語是第二人稱時,從句中的人稱變化要與主句中的______一致,如第2組例句;如果主句沒有賓語,則需觀察主句主語的交際對象,如第3組例句,此句中Tom的說話對象為______, 故間接引語中的主語變化為Mary。
1. She said, 「I have lost my bike.」→ She said she ______ her bike.
2. She said, 「We hope so.」→ She said they ______ so.
3. He said, 「She will go to see her friend.」→ He said she ______ to see herfriend.
1. 直接引語是客觀事實、科學真理及名言警句時。如:The teacher said to us, 「Light travels much fasterthan sound.」→ The teacher told us that lighttravels much faster than sound.
2. 直接引語是過去進行時,時態不變。如:Mother said, 「John, what were you doingat 8 o』clock last night?」→ Mother asked John what he was doingat 8 o』clock the night before.
3. 如果直接引語中的情態動詞無過去式(如:ought to, had better, usedto)或已經是過去式(如:could, should, would,might)時,則不再變化。如: He said, 「You should come hereearlier tomorrow.」→ He said I should go thereearlier the next day.
4. 如一般過去時有表示具體時間的狀語,也可以不變。如:She said, 「I was born in 1995.」→ She said (that) she was born in1995.
直接引語變為間接引語時,時間狀語和地點狀語也要做相應的變化。如: now → then;today → that day; tonight → that night;yesterday → the day before;tomorrow → the next day;last month → the month before等;地點狀語here → there;指示代詞this → that, these → those;動詞come → go, bring → take等。
1. She said, 「Our train will leave in severalminutes.」→ She said that their train wouldleave in several minutes.
2. He said, 「Can you dance, Ted?」→ He asked Ted whether / if he coulddance.
3. 「You have tidied your room, haven』t you?」 my mother asked. → My mother asked mewhether I had tidied my room.
4. She asked me, 「When will you start?」→ She asked me when I would start.
1. 直接引語如果是陳述句,間接引語應改為由______(可省略)引導的賓語從句。
2. 直接引語如果是反意疑問句或一般疑問句,間接引語應改為由______引導的賓語從句。
3. 直接引語如果是特殊疑問句,間接引語應改為由原來的疑問詞引導的賓語從句。
1. 「What did you do yesterday, Jenny?」 said themother.
→ The mother asked Jenny what she haddone the day before.
2. The little kid said, 「How can I get that toy?」
→ The little kid asked how could heget that toy.
3. He said, 「The Olympic Games are held every fouryears.」
→ He said that the Olympic Games wereheld every four years.
二、【即學即練】 1. had lost 2.hoped 3. would go
四、【自我歸納】 1. that 2.whether / if
1. T。
2. F。how could he改為how he could
3. F。were改為are
㈢ 新標准 高一英語必修一 mole 1 單詞
Mole 1
academic [,ækə'demik] adj. 學術的
province ['prɒvins] n. 省
enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'æstik] adj.熱心的,
amazing [ə'meiziŋ] adj.令人吃驚的;令人驚訝的
information [,infə'meiʃən] n. 消息
website [ web』sait] n.網站;網址
brilliant ['briljənt] adj.(口語)極好的
comprehension [,kɒmpri'henʃən] n. 理解,領悟
instruction [in'strʌkʃən] n.(常作復數)指示;說明
method ['meθəd] n. 方法
bored ['bɒ: d] adj.厭煩的;厭倦的
embarrassed [im'bærəst] adj.尷尬的;難堪的;困窘的
attitude ['ætitju:d] n. 態度
behaviour [bi'heivjə] n. 行為; 舉動
previous ['pri:viəs] adj.以前的;從前的
description [di'skripʃən] n.記述; 描述
amazed [ə'meizd] adj. 吃驚的;驚訝的
embarrassing [im'bærəsiŋ] adj.令人尷尬的;令人難堪的
technology [tek'nɒlədʒi] n. 技術
impress [im'pres] vt.使印象深刻
correction [kə'rekʃən] n. 改正;糾正
encouragement [in'kʌridʒmənt] n. 鼓勵;激勵
enjoyment [in'dʒɒimənt] n.享受;樂趣
fluency ['flu:ənsi] n.流利;流暢
misunderstanding [,misʌndə'stændiŋ] n. 誤解
disappointed [,disə'pɒintid] adj. 失望的
disappointing [,disə'pɒintiŋ] adj.令人失望的
system ['sistəm] n. 制度;體系;系統
teenager ['ti:nidʒə] n.少年
disappear [,disə'piə] vi. 消失
move [mu:v] adj.搬家
assistant [ə'sistənt] n. 助手, 助理
cover ['kʌvə] vt.包含
diploma [di'pləumə] n. 文憑, 畢業證書
Mole 2
amusing [ə'mju:ziŋ] adj. 有趣的; 可笑的
energetic [,enə'dʒetik] adj. 精力充沛的
intelligent [in'telidʒənt] adj. 聰明的
nervous ['nə:vəs] adj.緊張的;焦慮的
organized ['ɒ:gənaizd] adj.有組織的;有系統的
patient ['peiʃənt] adj.耐心的
serious ['siəriəs] adj. 嚴肅的
shy [ʃai] adj.害羞的;羞怯的
strict [strikt] a. 嚴格的;嚴厲的
impression [im'preʃən] n. 印象
avoid [ə'vɒid] vt.(故意)避開
hate [heit] vt.討厭;不喜歡
incorrectly [,inkə'rektli] adv.不正確地
completely [kəm'pli:tli] adv. 十分地;完全地
immediately [i'mi:diətli] adv.立即;即刻
appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit] vt.感激
admit [əd'mit] vt. 承認
scientific [,saiən'tifik] adj. 科學的
literature ['litərətʃə] n. 文學
loudly ['laudli] adv. 大聲地
wave [weiv] vt.揮(手);招(手)
joke [dʒəuk] n. 玩笑;笑話
summary ['sʌməri] n.總結;摘要;提要
respect [ri'spekt] vt.&n.尊敬;尊重
grade [greid] n.(美)成績;分數
headmaster ['hed'mɑ:stə] n.校長
headmistress ['hed'mistris] n.女校長
period ['piəriəd] n.一段時間
revision [ri'viʒən] n.復習
translation [træns'leiʃən] n. 翻譯
timetable ['taimteibl] n. 時間表
topic ['tɒpik] n.話題;題目
vacation [vei'keiʃən] n. 假期
revise [ri'vaiz] vt.溫習(功課)
discipline ['disiplin] n.紀律
relationship [ri'leiʃənʃip] n. 關系
formal ['fɒ:məl] adj. 正式的
relaxed [ri'lækst] adj.輕松的;鬆懈的;寬松的
similarly ['similəli] adv.同樣地,類似地
Mole 3
helicopter ['helikɒptə] n.直升飛機
motorbike ['məutə, k] n.摩托車
tram [træm] n.電車
distance ['distəns] n. 距離
abandoned [ə'bændənd] adj.被遺棄的
camel ['kæml] n. 駱駝
cassette [kæ'set] n.錄音帶
desert ['dezət] n. 沙漠
diamond ['daiəmənd] n. 鑽石
expert ['ekspə:t] n. 專家
midnight ['midnait] n. 半夜
proct ['prɒdʌkt] n. 產品
scenery ['si:nəri] n. 風景; 景色
shoot [ʃu:t] vt.(shot,shot)射殺
soil [sɒil] n. 土壤
journey ['dʒə:ni] n. 旅程
train [trein] vt. 訓練
circus ['sə:kəs] n. 馬戲團
seaside ['si:said] n. 海濱
stadium ['steidiəm] n. 運動場;體育場
eagle ['i:gl] n. 鷹
frighten ['fraitn] vt.是吃驚;驚嚇
kindergarten ['kində,gɑ:tn] n.幼兒園
apartment [ə'pɑ:tmənt] n.(美)公寓;單元住宅
cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] n. 卡通;漫畫
interview ['intəvju:] n.面試;面談
interviewer ['intəvju:ə] n.(面試時的)主考官;面談者
event [i'vent] n. 事件
exhausted [ig'zɒ:stid] adj.疲憊不堪的
downtown ['daun'taun] adj.商業區的;市中心的
vacuum [`'vækjuəm] n. 真空; 空白
rail [reil] n.鐵軌
ceremony ['seriməni] n.儀式
track [træk] n. 軌道
souvenir [,su:və'niə] n. 紀念品
Mole 4
survey [sə'vei] n. 調查
neighbourhood n.四鄰
local ['ləukəl] adj.地方的;局部的
suburb ['sʌbə:b] n.城郊;郊區
hometown [həum'taun] n.家鄉
attractive [ə'træktiv] adj.有吸引力的;吸引人的
fortunate ['fɒ:tʃənit] adj.幸運的;吉祥的
pretty ['priti] adv.很;相當
sound [saund] vi.聽起來
tourist ['tuərist]n.旅遊者;觀光客
bother ['bɒðə] vt.打擾;煩擾;麻煩
nuisance ['nju:sns] n.令人討厭的人或事
rent [rent] n. 租金
district ['distrikt] n.地域;區域;行政區
approach [ə'prəutʃ] vt. 接近
harbour n.海港
gorgeous ['gɒ:dʒəs] adj.美麗的;宜人的
architecture ['ɑ:kitektʃə] n. 建築
starve [stɑ:v] vi.餓死
park [pɑ:k] vt. 停車
traffic ['træfik] n. 交通
committee [kə'miti] n. 委員會
organization ['ɒ:gənai'zʃən] n.組織
unemployed [,ʌnim'plɒid] adj.失業的;沒有工作的
household ['haushəuld] n.家屬;家人
occupation [,ɒkju'peiʃən] n. 職業
professional [prə'feʃənl] adj.專業的
manual ['mænjuəl] adj.用手的;手的
employment [im'plɒimənt] n.就業;工作;職業
gallery ['gæləri] n.美術館;畫廊
exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ] vt. 交換
fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ] adj. 迷人的, 吸引人的
afford [ə'fɒ:d] vt. 買得起;有能力支付
survive [sə'vaiv] vi.死裡逃生;大難不死
contact ['kɒntækt] vt.聯絡;聯系(某人)
Mole 5
liquid ['likwid] n. 液體
expand [ik'spænd] vi.膨脹
contract ['kɒntrækt] vi.收縮
substance ['sʌbstəns] n. 物質
mixture ['mikstʃə] n.混合物
oxygen ['ɒksədʒən] n. 氧氣
electricity [,ilek'trisiti] n. 電
stage [steidʒ] n. 階段;時期
conclusion [kən'klu:ʒən] n. 結論
aim [eim] n. 目標;目的
reaction [ri'ækʃən] n. 反應
electrical [i'lektrikəl] adj.與電有關的;用電的
equipment [i'kwipmənt] n. 設備;裝備
react [ri'ækt] vi.(化學)反應
potassium n. 鉀
sodium ['səudiəm] n. 鈉
calcium ['kælsiəm] n. 鈣
magnesium [mæg'ni:ziəm] n. 鎂
aluminium [,ælju'miniəm] n. 鋁
zinc [ziŋk] n. 鋅
partial ['pɑ:ʃəl] adj.部分的;局部的
copper ['kɒpə] n. 銅
oxide ['ɒksaid] n. 氧化物
rust [rʌst] vi. 生銹
boil [bɒil] vt.生銹
ordinary ['ɒ:dinəri] adj. 普通的;平常的
steam [sti:m] n. 蒸汽;水氣
float [fləut] vi.漂浮
form [fɒ:m] vi.形成
dissolve [di'zɒlv] vt. 溶解;分解;分離
balance ['bæləns] n.天平
crucible ['kru:sibl] n. 坩鍋
tongs [tɒŋz] (復)夾子;小鉗子
flame [fleim] n. 火焰
facility [fə'siliti] n.(常作復數)設備;工具
lecture ['lektʃə] n. 演講
department [di'pɑ:tmənt] n.(大學的)科、系
astonished [ə'stɒniʃt] adj.吃驚的;驚愕的
Mole 6
contain [kən'tein] vt. 包含;包括
access ['ækses] n.接近;通路
crash [kræʃ] vi.(計算機)崩潰
keyword ['ki: , wə:d] n.密碼;口令
log [lɒg] vt.記錄;登錄
software ['sɒftwєə] n. 軟體
breakdown ['breikdaun] n.故障
source [sɒ:s] n.來源;出處
accessible [ək'sesəbl] adj.可進入的; 可使用的
data ['deitə] n.(復)數據
defence [di'fens] n.保護;防衛
create [kri:'eit] vt. 創造;發明
network ['netwə:k] n. 網路
via [vaiə] prep.途徑;經由
percentage [pə'sentidʒ] n.百分數;百分率
design [di'zain] vt. 設計
document ['dɒkjumənt] n. 文件
invention [in'venʃən] n. 發明
permission [pə'miʃən] n. 許可
military ['militəri] adj.軍事的;軍隊的
concentrate ['kɒnsəntreit] vi.集中(注意力、思想等)
definite ['definit] adj. 明確的
fantastic [fæn'tæstik] adj.極好的;美妙的
independent [,indi'pendənt] adj.獨立的
essay ['esei] n.文章
pass [pæs] vt.超過
frequently ['fri:kwəntli] adv.時常;經常
disadvantage [,disəd'vɑ:ntidʒ] n.弊端;缺點
average ['ævəridʒ] adj.平均的
statistics [stə'tistiks] n.(復)統計數字
shorten ['ʃɒ:tn] vt.縮短
sideways ['saidweiz] adv.橫著地;斜著地
㈣ 高一英語必修一Mole1語法問題
句子意思 坐飛機旅遊 比坐船旅遊 更令人激動
選C不選B 因為這是比較級 選項B 應該是 much more exciting
㈤ 高一英語必修一第一單元語法詳解
㈥ 人教版高一英語必修一各個單元的語法知識點
一. 一般現在時
1. 表示主語現在所處的狀態及其所具備的特徵、性格、能力等
例如:I am a girl.
2. 表示習慣性、經常性的動作
例如:I usually go to bed at 9:00.
3. 標志性的詞語
Always often sometimes now and then
4. 若助於為第三人稱單數(he she it)則動詞要用單三現
二. 現在進行時
1. 說話時正在進行的動作
例如:I am reading.
2.表示即將發生的動作,多用於go come start leave return arrive stay fly等詞語之中,句子中常常有時間狀語
例如:The plane is going to Beijing.
3.當句子中出現了always 、forever 、constantly 、continually 、
All the time等
例如:I am always thinking of you.
三. 倍數比較
1.A+系動詞+倍數詞+as+ adj \adv的原型+as+B
例如:The class is twice as big as that one.
例如:The class is twice bigger than that class.
3.A+系動詞+倍數詞+the size\amount(數量)\ength\width\height
例如:The class is twice the size of that class.
四. With的復合結構
1. With+賓語+賓語補足語
例如:Tom was quite safe with Lucy standing behind him.
例如:With all things she need bought,she went home.
○3with+賓語+to do
例如:With so many thing to deal with.
五. 現在完成進行時
1.基本表達式(I have been doing )
I/ we/ you/ they have been doing sth.
he/ she/ it has been doing sth.
The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.
I have been learning English since three years ago.
We have been waiting for you for half an hour.
例如:They have been living in this city for ten years.
They have lived in this city for ten years.
I have been working here for five years.
I have worked here for five years.
例如:I have been writing a book.(動作還將繼續下去)
I have written a book.(動作已經完成)
They have been building a bridge.
They have built a bridge.
例如:I have known him for years.
I have been knowing...
這類不能用於現在完成進行時的動詞還有:love愛,like喜歡, hate討厭,等。
yesterday, last week,…ago, in1980, in October, just now, 具體的時間狀語
this morning, tonight,this April, now, once,before, already, recently,lately
for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till / until, up to now, in past years, always,
3.現在完成時可表示持續到現在的動作或狀態,動詞一般是延續性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know.
過去時常用的非持續性動詞有come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等。
例如: I saw this film yesterday.
I have seen this film.
Why did you get up so early?
Who hasn't handed in his paper?
She has returned from Paris.
She returned yesterday.
He has been in the League for three years.
He has been a League member for three years.
He joined the League three years ago.
( 三年前入團,joined為短暫行為。)
I have finished my homework now.
---Will somebody go and get Dr. White?
---He's already been sent for.
句子中如有過去時的時間副詞(如 yesterday, last, week, in 1960)時,不能使用現在完成時,要用過去時。
(錯)Tom has written a letter to his parents last night. (對)Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.
1. 概念:表示過去的過去
其構成是had +過去分詞構成。
那時以前 那時 現在
2. 用法
a. 在told, said, knew, heard, thought等動詞後的賓語從句。
She said (that) she had never been to Paris.
b. 狀語從句
When the police arrived, the thieves had run away.
c. 表示意向的動詞,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用過去完成時表示"原本…,未能…"
We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't.
3.過去完成時的時間狀語before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。
例如:He said that he had learned some English before.
By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself.
Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.
I / we / they have been + 動詞的現在分詞
He / she / it has been + 動詞的現在分詞 功用如下:
2. 表示一個在過去開始而在最近剛剛結束的行動,如:
Ann is very tired. She has been working hard.
Why are you clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?
It has been raining for two hours. (現在還在下)
Jack hasn』t been feeling very well recently.
4. 表示一個從過去開始延續到現在,可以包括現在在內的一個階段內,重復發生的行動,如:
She has been playing tennis since she was eight.
5. 現在完成時強調動作行為的結果、影響,而現在完成進行時只強調動作行為本身,如:
Tom』s hands are very dirty. He has been repairing the car.
The car is going again now. Tom has repaired it.
現在完成時有否定結構、而現在完成進行時沒有否定結構。 現在完成時態可表示做完的時期以及已有的經驗、但現在完成進行時不可以 現在完成進行時的否定結構 現在完成進行時有時也可用否定結構。
如: Since that unfortunate accident last week, I haven』t been sleeping at all well. 自從上周發生了那次不幸事故之後,我一直睡得很不好.
He hasn』t been working for me and I haven』t has that much contact with him. 他並沒有給我工作過,我和他沒有過那許多接觸。
㈦ 外研版高一必修一英語mole1單詞精解
Mole 1
academic [,ækə'demik] adj. 學術的
province ['prɒvins] n. 省
enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'æstik] adj.熱心的,
amazing [ə'meiziŋ] adj.令人吃驚的;令人驚訝的
information [,infə'meiʃən] n. 消息
website [ web』sait] n.網站;網址
brilliant ['briljənt] adj.(口語)極好的
comprehension [,kɒmpri'henʃən] n. 理解,領悟
instruction [in'strʌkʃən] n.(常作復數)指示;說明
method ['meθəd] n. 方法
bored ['bɒ: d] adj.厭煩的;厭倦的
embarrassed [im'bærəst] adj.尷尬的;難堪的;困窘的
attitude ['ætitju:d] n. 態度
behaviour [bi'heivjə] n. 行為; 舉動
previous ['pri:viəs] adj.以前的;從前的
description [di'skripʃən] n.記述; 描述
amazed [ə'meizd] adj. 吃驚的;驚訝的
embarrassing [im'bærəsiŋ] adj.令人尷尬的;令人難堪的
technology [tek'nɒlədʒi] n. 技術
impress [im'pres] vt.使印象深刻
correction [kə'rekʃən] n. 改正;糾正
encouragement [in'kʌridʒmənt] n. 鼓勵;激勵
enjoyment [in'dʒɒimənt] n.享受;樂趣
fluency ['flu:ənsi] n.流利;流暢
misunderstanding [,misʌndə'stændiŋ] n. 誤解
disappointed [,disə'pɒintid] adj. 失望的
disappointing [,disə'pɒintiŋ] adj.令人失望的
system ['sistəm] n. 制度;體系;系統
teenager ['ti:nidʒə] n.少年
disappear [,disə'piə] vi. 消失
move [mu:v] adj.搬家
assistant [ə'sistənt] n. 助手, 助理
cover ['kʌvə] vt.包含
diploma [di'pləumə] n. 文憑, 畢業證書
㈧ 必修一英語一單元語法講解
引述某人的話一般採用兩種形式:一種是直接引語(Direct Speech),即原封不動地引用原話,把它放在引號內;另一種是間接引語(Indirect Speech),即用自己的話加以轉述,被轉述的內容不放在引號內。
一、 直接引語變間接引語
A. 陳述句的間接引語
直接引語是陳述句,變為間接引語時,在多數情況下都構成一個that引導的賓語從句,引述動詞通常是say, tell等。與此同時,間接引語中的人稱、時態和其他方面也要相應有所變化。
The foreigner aid to me, I like Beijing very much.那老外告訴我:我很喜歡北京。
→ The foreigner told me that he she liked Beijing very much. 那老外告訴我說他(她)很喜歡北京。
She said,We are very fond of sports. 她說:我們都喜歡體育運動。
→ She said that they were very fond of sports. 她說他(她)們都喜歡體運動。
I'll go over the grammar lesson once again,he said. 他說:我將把語法課再復習一遍。
→ He said he would go over the grammar lesson once again. 他說他將要把語法課再復習一遍。(that可省略)
B. 疑問句的間接引語
一般疑問句改為間接引語時,要用陳述語序,並要加連詞if 或 whether,其主句動詞常用ask, wonder, wantto know, didn't know等。句末不用問號。
My teacher asked me, Do you like American country music 我老師問我:你喜歡美國鄉村音樂嗎?
→ My teacher asked me ifwhether I liked American country music. 我老師問我是否喜歡美國鄉村音樂。
You haven't been to Beijing, have you asked he. 他問:你沒去過北,是嗎?
→ He asked me ifwhether I had been to Beijing. 他問我是否去過北京。