① 英語語法和中文語法的區別
(1)She is very kind. (她很善良)
(2)Her kindness moved me deeply.(她的善良深深打動了我)
(3)She is a happy girl. (她是一個快樂的女孩)
(4)I like chatting happily with others.(我喜歡跟別人快樂地聊天)
(1)I have finished my homework. (我已經完成我的家庭作業)
在這個例句中,漢語我們用虛詞「已經」來表示動作的完成,而在英語中,則是將句中的謂語動詞finish轉變成現在完成時結構have finished來表現finish這個動作已經發生過了。
(2)She is reading a book carefully. (她正在認真看書)
在漢語中,用虛詞「正「來表示「讀書」這個動作正在進行,而英語中,則需要將「read」轉變成現在進行時結構」is reading」
(3)He will be back in ten minutes. (十分鍾後他將回來)
在漢語中,用虛詞「將」來表示將來的動作,而英語中則需要用一般將來時的結構「will +動詞原形」來表現。
② 英語語法最難的部分是哪裡
③ 英語中什麼是語法(具體點)!!!
rules of a language governing the sounds, words, sentences, and other elements, as well as their combination and interpretation. The word grammar also denotes the study of these abstract features or a book presenting these rules. In a restricted sense, the term refers only to the study of sentence and word structure (syntax and morphology), excluding vocabulary and pronunciation.
A common contemporary definition of grammar is the underlying structure of a language that any native speaker of that language knows intuitively. The systematic description of the features of a language is also a grammar. These features are the phonology (sound), morphology (system of word formation), syntax (patterns of word arrangement), and semantics (meaning). Depending on the grammarian's approach, a grammar can be prescriptive (i.e., provide rules for correct usage), descriptive (i.e., describe how a language is actually used), or generative (i.e., provide instructions for the proction of an infinite number of sentences in a language). The traditional focus of inquiry has been on morphology and syntax, and for some contemporary linguists (and many traditional grammarians) this is the only proper domain of the subject.
In Europe the Greeks were the first to write grammars. To them, grammar was a tool that could be used in the study of Greek literature; hence their focus on the literary language. The Alexandrians of the 1st century BC further developed Greek grammar in order to preserve the purity of the language. Dionysus Thrax of Alexandria later wrote an influential treatise called The Art of Grammar, in which he analyzed literary texts in terms of letters, syllables, and eight parts of speech.
The Romans adopted the grammatical system of the Greeks and applied it to Latin. Except for Varro, of the 1st century BC, who believed that grammarians should discover structures, not dictate them, most Latin grammarians did not attempt to alter the Greek system and also sought to protect their language from decay. Whereas the model for the Greeks and Alexandrians was the language of Homer, the works of Cicero and Virgil set the Latin standard. The works of Donatus (4th century AD) and Priscian (6th century AD), the most important Latin grammarians, were widely used to teach Latin grammar ring the European Middle Ages. In medieval Europe, ecation was concted in Latin, and Latin grammar became the foundation of the liberal arts curriculum. Many grammars were composed for students ring this time. Aelfric, the abbot of Eynsham (11th century), who wrote the first Latin grammar in Anglo-Saxon, proposed that this work serve as an introction to English grammar as well. Thus began the tradition of analyzing English grammar according to a Latin model.
The modistae, grammarians of the mid-13th to mid-14th century who viewed language as a reflection of reality, looked to philosophy for explanations of grammatical rules. The modistae sought one 「universal」 grammar that would serve as a means of understanding the nature of being. In 17th-century France a group of grammarians from Port-Royal were also interested in the idea of universal grammar. They claimed that common elements of thought could be discerned in grammatical categories of all languages. Unlike their Greek and Latin counterparts, the Port-Royal grammarians did not study literary language but claimed instead that usage should be dictated by the actual speech of living languages. Noting their emphasis on linguistic universals, the contemporary linguist Noam Chomsky called the Port-Royal group the first transformational grammarians.
Structural description of the sentence 「The man will hit the ball,」 assigned by the …
By 1700 grammars of 61 vernacular languages had been printed. These were written primarily for purposes of reforming, purifying, or standardizing language and were put to pedagogical use. Rules of grammar usually accounted for formal, written, literary language only and did not apply to all the varieties of actual, spoken language. This prescriptive approach long dominated the schools, where the study of grammar came to be associated with 「parsing」 and sentence diagramming. Opposition to teaching solely in terms of prescriptive and proscriptive (i.e., what must not be done) rules grew ring the middle decades of the 20th century.
The simplification of grammar for classroom use contrasted sharply with the complex studies that scholars of linguistics were concting about languages. During the 19th and early 20th centuries the historical point of view flourished. Scholars who realized that every living language was in a constant state of flux studied all types of written records of modern European languages to determine the courses of their evolution. They did not limit their inquiry to literary languages but included dialects and contemporary spoken languages as well. Historical grammarians did not follow earlier prescriptive approaches but were interested, instead, in discovering where the language under study came from.
As a result of the work of historical grammarians, scholars came to see that the study of language can be either diachronic (its development through time) or synchronic (its state at a particular time). The Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure and other descriptive linguists began studying the spoken language. They collected a large sample of sentences proced by native speakers of a language and classified their material starting with phonology and working their way to syntax.
Generative, or transformational, grammarians of the second half of the 20th century, such as Noam Chomsky, studied the knowledge that native speakers possess which enables them to proce and understand an infinite number of sentences. Whereas descriptivists like Saussure examined samples of indivial speech to arrive at a description of a language, transformationalists first studied the underlying structure of a language. They attempted to describe the 「rules」 that define a native speaker's 「competence」 (unconscious knowledge of the language) and account for all instances of the speaker's 「performance」 (strategies the indivial uses in actual sentence proction). See generative grammar; transformational grammar.
The study of grammatical theory has been of interest to philosophers, anthropologists, psychologists, and literary critics over the centuries. Today, grammar exists as a field within linguistics but still retains a relationship with these other disciplines. For many people, grammar still refers to the body of rules one must know in order to speak or write 「correctly.」 However, from the last quarter of the 20th century a more sophisticated awareness of grammatical issues has taken root, especially in schools. In some countries, such as Australia and the United Kingdom, new English curricula have been devised in which grammar is a focus of investigation, avoiding the prescriptivism of former times and using techniques that promote a lively and thoughtful spirit of inquiry.
一個普遍接受的當代語法定義是:以一種語言為母語的任何人靠直覺就知道的語言結構。對語言特徵的系統描述也是一種語法,而這些特徵包括音位學(聲音) ,形態學(系統構詞) ,句法(詞語安排模式)和語義(意思) 。根據語法學家的研究,語法可以規范(即提供一些正確用法的規則) ,描述(即,描述了語言實際上是如何使用的) ,或生成(即提供一種指導,使無限的句子在一種語言中產生) 。傳統的調查重點,在於形態學和句法,對於一些當代語言學家(和許多傳統的語法學家),這是唯一正確的研究領域。
古羅馬人接受了希臘人的語法體系,並運用於拉丁語。除了公元前一世紀的瓦羅Varro認為語法學家應該發現結構,而不是強行指定結構,大多數拉丁語法學家沒有試圖改變希臘系統,還設法保護他們的語言避免衰敗。希臘人和亞歷山大人的語言模型是荷馬的語言,西塞羅和維吉爾的作品設定了拉丁語的語法標准。最重要的拉丁語語法學家多納圖斯(公元4世紀)和普里西安(公元6世紀)的作品在歐洲中世紀被廣泛用於拉丁文語法教學。中世紀的歐洲的教育使用的是拉丁文,拉丁語語法成為人文教育的基礎課程。 恩斯罕的修道院長,阿爾弗里克Aelfric( 11世紀) ,第一個寫拉丁語語法的盎格魯撒克遜人,建議以此引入英語語法。從此,開始了依據拉丁語法的英語語法分析的傳統。
第13世紀中葉至14世紀中葉的語法學家認為語言是現實的反映,從哲學中尋求解釋語法的規則。他們尋求一個「普遍」的語法universal grammar,以此作為了解存在being的手段。在十七世紀的法國,來自羅亞爾港的一些語法學家也對這種普遍語法感興趣。他們聲稱,思想的共同要素可以在所有語言的語法類別中辨識出來。與希臘語和拉丁語的語法學家不同,羅亞爾港語法學家沒有研究文學語言,他們認為語言的用法應當取決於實際的生活語言。當代語言學家喬姆斯基也注意到對語言的共性的強調,他稱羅亞爾港派為第一批轉型語法學家。
④ 英語語法項目的英文名稱或英文表達
單數:singular form
復數:plural form
主謂一致:agreement of subject and verb
定語從句:attributive clause
名詞性從句: noun clause
狀語從句:adverbial clause
虛擬語氣:subjunctive mood
形容詞和副詞:adjective & adverb
動詞和動詞片語:verbs & verb phrase
非謂語動詞:Non-Predicate Verbs / Non-Finite verbs
強調句:emphatic sentence
倒裝句:inverted sentence
祈使句:imperative sentence
反義疑問句:disjunctive question
主動語態:active voice
被動語態:passive voice
獨立結構:absolute construction
限定從屬分句:finite clause
非限定分句:non-finitive clause
狀語從句:adverbial clause
主語從句:subject clause
定語(關系)從句:relative clause/attributive clause
⑤ 英語語法 是哪種情況啊
我學習英語記單詞屬於那種不困難的,而且記住了就忘不掉的那種,所以剛開始學習英語 覺得很容易,記單詞也很快,但是學語法的時候就覺得不那麼容易了,起初我也聽不懂,但是我盡我最大努力去理解。不過依然沒有什麼大的進展,什麼動詞作主語要加ING,that前面如果是動詞,那後面的句子就是賓語從句等等,因為理解不了,只能死記硬背。直到上了大學,過了四六級後,才把那些死記硬背的生硬的語法吸收理解了。比如說動詞作主語為什麼要加ING,應為名詞才可以做主語,如果想要使用動詞再主語成分里,那麼當然要把動詞名詞化啦,那就得加ING了。
所以,能試著把語法理解消化掉的時候就要這么做,如果實在理解不了,只能暫時死記硬背,記到腦子里, 以後多遇到這么語法結構,多分析,也就自然明白了。
⑥ 英語語法是學習英語的關鍵嗎
首先,表明一下觀點,語法是非常重要的。如果不懂語法,即使知道所有單詞,卻回不知道怎麼組合答才對,語法是魂,語言是體,光有肉體沒有靈魂就是一具屍體。沒有語法就組不成句子,即使組成了句子,別人也不明白是什麼意思。 在考試中有15分以上是語法,語法不好,等於就是基本框架不好。
⑦ 英語語法到底是什麼意思怎麼用啊
⑧ 什麼是英語語法
4、過去完成進行時:表示某個正在進行的動作或狀態,持續到過去某個時刻,還未完成,一直持續到之後的當前才結 束。
2、賓語補足語是不帶to 的不定式,變為被動語態時,該不定式前要加"to"。
3、情態動詞+ be +過去分詞,構成被動語態。
⑨ 英語語法是什麼