『壹』 我星期天我去仁愛培訓學校上語法課 有英語怎麼說
I went to learn grammar in Renai Training Center on Sunday.
『貳』 英語語法不好,有沒有專門的英語語法培訓班啊
『叄』 你好,請問英語培訓機構和學校老師教書方法有什麼區別
句子比單詞重要 中國人學英語,最常用的方法是背單詞,甚至有人以能背出一本詞典為榮,但是詞典上的解釋是死的,語言的運用卻是活的,機械的理解會造成很大的誤解。詞典不是最重要的,關鍵在於語境。可以說,單詞沒有多少實際運用的介值,機械記憶的單詞量再大,也不會真正提高你的外語水平。要養成背誦句子的好習慣,因為句子中既包含了發音規則,又有語法內容,還能表明某個詞在具體語言環境中的特定含義 不要學「古董英語」。任何語言都是活的,每天都會發展,學習陳舊的語言毫無新鮮感,而且基本無處可用。不鮮活、不入時、不風趣幽默的語言不是我們要學的語言,多讀外文紙、多看原版影視作品才會有助於補充新詞彙 很多人以為,把單詞拆成一個個字母背熟就可以正確地拼寫出來,其實,科學的方法是把讀音、拼寫和用法融為一體,同步進行,眼口手腦並用,並把它應用到句子裡面去理解 聽不懂也要聽 練習聽力時,許多人抱怨聽不懂,因而喪失了聽的樂趣,往往半途而廢。其實,即使聽不懂也是一種學習,只不過你自己覺察不到而已。雖然暫時聽不懂,但你的耳膜已經開始嘗試著適應一種新的語言發音,你的大腦在調整頻率,准備接受一種新的信息代碼,這本身就是一次飛躍 所以切記:聽不懂時,你也在進步 練習聽力,要充分利用心理學上的無意注意,只要一有時間,就要打開錄音機播放外語磁帶,使自己處於外語的語言環境中,也許你沒聽清楚說些什麼,這不要緊,你可以隨便做其他事情,不用去有意聽,只要你的周圍有外語環境的發音,你的聽力就會提高 敢於開口 學英語很重要的一點是用來和他人交流,但開口難也是中國人學英語的一大特點 問題出在以下幾點: 一是有些人把是否看懂當成學習的標准。還有就是,我現在學的ABC天芐歐美外教口語的外教才和我提過,事實上想將英語學好應該是不費力地 絕對需要個恰當的學習情境以及進修口語對象,這取決於外教資質 純正歐美口音(非東南亞)才是最好,保持每天口語溝通 1 on 1針對性教學才能有.好.的學習效果!上完課需要復習聽取課後錄音反饋 好鞏固知識點~然後要是真的沒有練習對象的狀況下,那麼就去 VOA或滬江得到課外教材學習 多說、多練、多問、多聽、多讀,很快的語感就培養起來,學習效果肯定會達成目標的~拿到一本口語教材,翻開幾頁一看,都看懂了,就認為太簡單了,對自己不合適。其實,練習口語的教材,內容肯定不會難,否則沒法操練。看懂不等於會說,把這些你已經學會的東西流利地表達出來,才是口語教材最主要的目標 二是千萬不要用漢字來記英語發音。學習一門外語如果發音不過關,始終不會真正掌握一門外語,而且最大的害處是不利於培養對外語的興趣,影響下一步學習。現在有人把用漢語發音標注英語,比如把「goodbye」記作「古得拜」,甚至把這種做法作為成果出版,這樣做肯定後患無窮 不敢開口的第三點是怕語法有錯。沒有具體問題,一般不要去讀語法書。超前學習語法,會使你如墜雲里霧里,喪失學習外語的樂趣和信心 而且,語法好比游泳理論,對於沒有下過水的人來說,游泳理論是用處不大的。同樣,對於語言實踐不夠豐富的初學者,直接學習語法的用處不是很大。所以,一定要結合語言實踐來理解語法,語法是學會語言後的一種理論思考。學語言不存在對錯,只要能說出來,意思讓人家明白就可以了,不用盡心機考慮用什麼句型,只要能選准一個單詞就行 學口語最好的辦法,不是做習題,不是背誦,也不是看語法書,而是反復高聲朗讀課文,這種做法的目的是培養自己的語感,只有具備了語感,才能在做習題時不假思、下意識地寫出正確答案。而且,當你熟練朗讀幾十篇課文後,很多常用句子會不自覺地脫口而出,所謂的「用外語思維階段」就會悄然而至 「盯住」一套教材 現在市場上學英語的材料鋪天蓋地,這給了大家更多的選擇餘地,但處理不好也會帶來不良後果———今天用這個教材、明天換另一種,學習便失去了系統性。正確的做法是選中一套教材,以它為主,其餘材料都作為補充 還有,目前市面上不少考試材料都以「真題」為賣點,不少考生把希望寄託於做「真題」上,以為這樣就能通過考試。其實,很多正規的考試取材十分廣泛,經過了嚴的難度論證,使用過的材料絕不可能二度使用
『肆』 英語形容詞副詞的語法總結
一.形容詞的定義: 形容詞表示人或事物的性質, 特徵或狀態, 修飾名詞或不定代詞
作定語/作表語/作補語/作主語或賓語: the+adj表示某一類人或事物/作狀語
1.有些形容詞只能作表語和補語, 不能象普通形容詞那樣作前置定語, 這樣的形容詞稱為表語形容詞, 如: alive, alone, asleep, alike, afraid, awake, ashamed, able, sure, ill, worth等詞; 表語形容詞作定語時需後置
2.有些形容詞只能作定語, 不能作表語, 這樣的形容詞稱為定語形容詞, 如: golden, wooden, silken, live(活的), elder(年長的), former前任的, latter後者, front前面的, back後面的, outer外部的
1.單個形容詞作定語時, 一般放在被修飾的名詞之前; 兩個或兩個以上的形容詞修飾一個名詞時, 同種類形容詞的排列順序一般應考慮以下兩種情況:
a. It is a touching English film.
②.音節少的形容詞在前, 音節多的形容詞在後
a. I have a small but beautiful room.
不同種類的詞同時出現在名詞前作定語時, 按以下順序進行排列:
數 詞 性 狀 形 容 詞
冠詞前的形容詞 冠詞,物主代詞,指示代詞,不定代詞,所有格 序數詞 基數詞 性質
狀態 數量
形狀 新舊
長幼 顏色 國籍 材料
all, both, such等 the, a,
this, that
your等 first,
next等 one, five等 kind,
sick等 large,
round等 old
cool等 red,
blue等 Chinese
等 iron,
2.單個形容詞作定語時, 在下列情況之下, 形容詞應放在被修飾的詞之後
①.形容詞修飾不定代詞something, nothing, anything等時應後置
a. Is there anything important in the article?
b. There is something difficult in the lesson.
c. There is nothing wrong in your homework.
a. The building is seventeen storeys high.
b. He is ten years old.
c. The street is five hundred meters long.
③.用and / or連接的兩個形容詞通常放在被修飾的名詞之後, 起強調修飾語的作用
a. We will turn our motherland into a country, strong and modern.
b. Every nation, big or small, has its rights.
c. Power stations, large and small, have been set up all over the country.
④.有些過去分詞形容詞作定語時應後置, 如: given, left, won, missed等
a. None of the answers given (被給的答案) were correct.
⑤.表語形容詞作定語時需後置, 如: alive, present, possible等
a. He is the greatest writer alive.
b. He was the only person awake at the moment.
3.形容詞短語作定語時, 需要後置
a. He is a worker worthy of praise.
b. This is a problem difficult to solve.
c. She is always ready to help others.
五.特殊的形容詞: 有些以-ly結尾的詞是形容詞, 而不是副詞, 這樣的詞如: friendly友好的, lovely可愛的, weekly每周的, orderly有秩序的, brotherly兄弟般的, lively活潑的, lonely孤獨的, likely可能的, deadly致命的
副 詞
①.時間副詞, 如: often, always, early, now
②.地點副詞, 如: here, there, above, outside
③.方式副詞, 如: hard, well, badly, fast, slowly
④.程度副詞, 如: very, quite, much, still, almost
2.疑問副詞(放在特殊疑問句的句首), 如: how, when, where, why
3.關系副詞(放在定語從句句首), 如: when, where, why
4.連接副詞(放在名詞從句句首), 如: how, when, where, why, whether
二.副詞在句中的作用: 副詞修飾動詞, 形容詞, 名詞, 副詞或全句, 在句中的作用如下
a. You should always review your lessons.
b. The visitors are warmly welcomed by the students.
c. Certainly we should try out best to improve our work.
a. He is abroad.
b. The class is over.
c. The football match is on.
3.作定語: 副詞作定語時置於被修飾詞之後
a. This is her first day up.
b. The comrades here give us a lot of help.
a. I found all the lights on when I got home last night.
①.表示確定時間的副詞和表示地點的副詞一般放在句尾. 若句中同時有地點副詞和時間副詞, 地點副詞通常在前, 時間副詞在後
a. They went to the Summer Palace yesterday.
b. We often goes there.
c. I will go there tomorrow.
②.表示不確定時間的副詞(如: always, usually, often, never, ever, seldom, sometimes, rarely, generally, frequently)的位置: 句子謂語是be時, 位於其後; 句子謂語是單個完全動詞時, 位於其前; 句子謂語由不完全動詞與完全動詞一起組成時, 位於第一個不完全動詞之後.
a. She always helps her mother with the housework.
b. The old man seldom goes out.
c. He is always the first to come to class.
d. They have already done their homework.
2.程度副詞除enough之外, 一般放在被修飾詞之前
a. The student is very careful with his work.
b. He swims quite well.
c. The boy is old enough to go to school.
a. His sister sings well.
b. The baby is sleeping soundly.
②.修飾及物動詞的方式副詞可放在被修飾詞之前或賓語之後; 如果賓語較長, 也可放在動詞和賓語之間
a. He speaks French fluently.
b. All this morning Liu Ying has been writing carefully some English letters to her teachers.
4.及物動詞和副詞小品詞(down, on, off, in, out, up)組成的動詞片語有名詞作賓語時, 該名詞可放在副詞之後或副詞之前; 若有代詞作賓語時, 則代詞一定放在副詞之前
a. He cut down the tree. =He cut the tree down.
b. He cut it down.
a. The villagers there are busy getting in wheat.
a. Truly he is an honest man.
b. Still, in spite of what you say, I don』t think it is true.
7.作狀語時,各類副詞的排列順序一般為: 方式副詞, 地點副詞, 時間副詞
a. He behaved well here yesterday.
1.原級的形式: 即原形
①.表示被比較雙方在某一方面相等或相同時, 用as + adj / adv + as結構, 表示「…和…一樣」
a. Xiao Li is as tall as his sister.
b. It is as cold today as it was yesterday.
c. There are as many seats in this hall as in that hall.
②.表示被比較雙方在某一方面不相等或不同時, 用not as / so + adj / adv + as, 表示「…和…不一樣」
a. Xiao Li is not as / so tall as his brother.
b. It is not so / as cold today as yesterday.
c. There are not so / as many seats in this hall as in that hall.
a.在單音節形容詞後及少數以-er, -ow, -ble, -ple結尾的雙音節形容詞和少數副詞原級後, 加-er, -est或 -r, -st, 如: strong, young, clever, able, simple, narrow, hard, fast, slow等
b.在以 -e結尾的單音節形容詞和少數副詞原級後, 加-r, -st, 如: brave, wide等
c.形容詞以發短母音的母音字母+輔音字母結尾時, 雙寫輔音字母, 再加-er, -est,如: big, hot, thin等
d.輔音字母+y結尾的單音節及雙音節形容詞和少數副詞(由形容詞+ly構成的副詞除外), 要將y變為i, 再加-er, -est, 如: easy, happy, early等
e.在雙音節和多音節形容詞和大多數副詞原級前可以加more, most表示比較級和最高級, 如: useful, childish, important, happily, clearly, quickly等
f.有少數單音節形容詞加more / most構成比較級和最高級, 如: fond, tired, pleased, glad, often, fit等
g.下列形容詞和副詞的比較級和最高級可用兩種方法構成: cruel, strict, friendly, often, fit
②.不規則變化的形容詞如: good / well, many / much, bad / badly, little, far
2.比較級的用法: 兩方進行比較時, 多用than
a. It is colder today than it was yesterday.
b. His handwriting is more beautiful than yours.
c. He did his homework more carefully than you did yours.
3.最高級的用法: 三方或三方以上進行比較時, 用最高級, 最高級前多用the, 基本形式為: the + adj / adv的最高級 + (名詞) + 表示範圍的短語或從句
a. He is the eldest among the sisters.
b. Shanghai is the biggest centre of instry in China.
c. Beijing is one of the most beautiful cities in China.
①.有些詞的比較級和最高級有兩種不同形式, 意義上也有所不同, 如: older / oldest(比較老/最老的), elder / eldest (年齡比較大的/最大的); farther / farthest用於本義, 表示「比較遠的/最遠的」, 而further / furthest常用於引申意義, 表示「更進一步的,更深一層的/最深層的」
a. He is the oldest comrade in our office.
b. He is the eldest son in the family.
c. He went abroad for further studies.
②.表示「比…多(大)幾倍」時, 用「倍數+ as…as」 結構或「倍數+比較級+than…」表示
a. This book costs twice as much as that one.
b. The university is three times as big as it was in 1980. =The university is three times bigger than it was in 1980.
③.可用much, far, still, even等修飾比較級, 表示 「更…」, 「…得多」之意
a. Her handwriting is much better than mine.
b. This street is far wider and longer than any other street in Beijing.
④.可用「名詞片語或數詞片語+比較級」的結構來表示「比…相差多少」, 如: a head taller, ten minutes later, two meters longer, a few steps further
⑤.比較級+ and +比較級表示「越來越…」的意思
a. Summer is coming. It is getting hotter and hotter.
⑥. 「the +比較級+主語+謂語+其他, the +比較級+主語+謂語+其他」 表示 「越… , 就越…」
a. The harder you study, the more knowledge you will get.
b. The more you work for other people, the happier you will feel.
⑦.more…than…有時表示「與其說…, 倒不如說…」
a.. He is more diligent than wise.與其說他聰明,不如說他勤奮
b. He is more a friend than a teacher.與其說他是一位老師,不如說更像一位朋友
⑧.「no+比較級+than…」和「not +比較級+than…」所表示的意思不相同, 前者表示「和…一樣不…」(即兩者都不…), 後者表示「不比…更… 」(僅否定前者, 即表示前者不如後者)
a. His English is no better than mine. (兩人的英語都不好)
b. His English is not better than mine. 他的英語不如我的英語好(僅否定 「他的英語」)
c. He is no taller than I.他和我一樣不高./ He is not taller than I.他不如我高.
⑨.有時用比較級表示最高級的意思, 如:
a. It can』t be safer.再安全不過了.
b. She can』t be more beautiful. 她簡直美極了
c. He works harder than the other students in his class.
d. He works harder than any other student in his class.
⑩. 「the +序數詞+最高級」 表示「第幾」之意
a. China is the third largest country in the world.
b. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.
用法:表示雙方在程度、性質、特徵等某方面相等時,用「as + 原級形容詞/副詞 + as」的結構;表示雙方不相等時,用「not so(as) + 原級形容詞/副詞 + as」的結構;表示一方是另一方的若干倍時,用「倍數 + as + 原級形容詞/副詞 + as」的結構。如:
Xiao Wang is as tall as Xiao Yu.
This building looks not so (as)high as that one.
Miss Xu speaks English as fluently as you .
This room is three times as large as that one.
①對方比較,表示一方超過另一方時,用「比較級 + than」的結構表示。如:
This picture is more beautiful than that one.
②表示一方不及另一方時,用「less + 原級 + than」的結構表示。如:
This room is less beautiful than that one.
③表示一方超過另一方的程度或數量時,可在比較級前加表示程度的狀語,如even、a lot、a bit、a little、still、much、far、yet、by fay等修飾。如:
He works even harder than before.
She is better than she was yesterday
Please come earlier tomorrow.
另注意:by far通常用於強調最高級。用於比較級時,一般放在比較級的後面,如在前面,應在二者中間加「the」。如:
He is taller by far than his brother.
He is by far the taller of the two brothers.
④表示一方隨另一方的程度而變化時,用「the + 比較級(主語 + 謂語),the + 比較級(主語 + 謂語)」的結構(意為「越……越……」)。如:
The harder he works, the happier he feels.
⑤不與其他事物相比,表示本身程度的改變時,用「比較級 + and + 比較級」的結構。如:
The weather is getting colder and colder.
The girl becomes more and more beautiful.
He is superior to Mr.Zhang in chemistry.
The book on the table is more interesting than that(或the one)on the desk.
A box made of steel is stronger than one made of wood.
⑧倍數表達法。(A)A is three(four, etc.)times the size(height, length etc.)of B.這座新樓是那座舊樓的四倍大(高)。The new bui9lding is four times the size(the height)of the old one.這座新樓比那座舊樓大三倍(高三倍)。(B)A is three(four, etc.)times as big(high, long, etc.)as B. Asia is four times as large as Europe.亞洲比歐洲大三倍。(C)A is three (four, etc.)times bigger(higher, longer, etc.)than B. Your school is three times bigger than ours.你們的學校比我們的學校大三倍。用times 表倍數通常用於三倍以上,兩倍可以用twice或double.
①三者或三者以上相比,表示最高程度時,用「the + 最高級」的結構表示。這種句式一般常有表示比較范圍的介詞短語。如:
Zhang Hua is the tallest of the three.
He works(the)hardest in his class.
②最高級可被序數詞以及much、by far、nearly、almost 、by no means、not quite、not really、nothing like等詞語所修飾。如:
This hat is by far / much / nearly / almost / not nearly / by no means / not quite / nothing like the biggest.
How much did the secon most expensive hat cost?
He is the tallest(boy)in his class.
Of all the boys he came(the)earliest.
He is a most clever young policeman.(a most=very)
The film is most interesting.(most=very)
who is the older of the tow boys?
④在「the + 比較級…,the + 比較級…」結構中。
⑥有些形容詞前加the 成為名詞。如the poor、the rich 等。
(6)由as / so組成的形容詞或副詞短語。
①?as much as + 不可數名詞數量。
Each stone weighs as much as fifteen tons.
She could earn as much as ten dollars a week.
②as many as + 可數名詞數量 多達
I have as a many as sixteen referrence books.
③as early as早在
As early as the twelfth century the English began to invade the island.
④as far as遠到;就……而知(論)
We might go as far as (走到)the church and back.
As far as I know(就我所知),he has been there before.
⑤may (might, could)as well不妨、不如
Then you might as well stay with us here.
⑥as … as can be到了最……的程度,極其
They are as unreliable as they can be.他們極其不可信。
⑦as … as one can
He began to run, as fast as he could.
⑧as … as possible
Just get them to finish up as quickly as possible.
①very 和much的區別。(A)可分等級的形容詞和副詞前使用very不用much。(B)表示狀態的過去分詞前用very。a very frightened boy, a very tired child, a very complicated problem, 一般的情況下,以-ing、-ed結尾的分詞多用much、very much / greatly等修飾。如:We were greatly shocked by the news about Tom. I was much amused by Jack』s attitude。(C)已轉化為形容詞的現在分詞前用very。如:very interesting / worrying / exicting。(D)too前用much或far,不用very。You are much / far / a lot too nice.另外,在too many / much, too few / little前用far。 There』s far too little opportunity for adventue these days.We』ve got far too many eggs and far too few egg cups.(E)關於原級形容詞要記住下列固定的修飾結構:(a)修飾絕對意義的形容詞,一般不用very,而用quite completely、well、entirely。如:quite wrong(mistaken, sure)、completely dead、quite impossible、quite perfect等。(b)修飾以a-開頭的形容詞,多有特殊的修飾詞:quite alone, very much alone, wide awake, fast asleep, very much afraid。(c)修飾一些特殊形容詞的修飾語有:be well worth, much the same, freezing cold, quite different, terribly cold / frightening。
②so … that … 與such … that … 的區別。
so + 形容詞 / 副詞 + that …
so + 形容詞 + a(n)+ 單數可數名詞 + that …
so + many / much / little / few + 名詞 + that …
such + a(n)+ 形容詞+單數可數名詞 + that …
such + 形容詞 + 不可數名詞 + that …
such + 形容詞 + 復數名詞 + that …
注意:下列結構中只能用so不可用such,當名詞前有many、much、little、few等表示「多、少」的詞修飾時,如 so much progress、so many people、so little food、so few apples等。但當little表示「小」時用such。如:These are such little boys that they can』t dress themselves.下列so的用法是錯誤的:so a diffcult problem,so difficult problems, so hot weather。
(C)too、also、either:too和also用於肯定句,too多用於口語,also多用於書面語,either用於否定句。(D) good、well:與good不同的是,well作形容詞,只能在系動詞後作表語,表示「身體狀況好」,也作副詞修飾動詞。(E)quick、 fast:作形容詞皆表「快」。fast多指運動的物體,含持續的意思。quick多指一次動作的敏捷、突然,而且持續的時間較短。(F)real、 true:形容詞表「真的」。real強調真實存在的而不是幻想的,在句中常作定語;true指與事實標准和實際情況相符合,在句中作表語或定語。(G) hard、difficult:均表「困難」,但hard通常指體力上困難;difficult則指智力或技能上的困難,困難程度大於hard。它們都可作定語和表語。
1. It is generally believed that teaching is ___________it is a science.(NMET 2001)
A.an art much as B.much an art as
C.as an art much as D.as much an art as
解析:答案為D。本題可從考查形容詞的同級比較點入手。在同級比較as…as句式中,如果as後面的形容詞作定語且其所修飾的名詞前有不定冠詞時,該冠詞須置於形容詞之後,即形成「as + 形容詞 + a / an + 單數可數名詞 + as」結構。這道題在名詞專題中也有解析,不同的是觀察視角不同,應注意培養發散思維。
2. It is always difficult being in a foreign country, __________if you don』t speak the language.(NMET 2000)
A.extremely B.naturally C.basically D.especially
3. Professor White has written some short stories, but he is ______known for his plays.(NMET 1998)
A.the best B.more C.better D.the most
解析:答案為C。本題考查副詞的比較級和最高級。要把握句式之間的聯系,抓住句子的隱藏信息,結合語境進行分析。根據句意,句中but後應有一片語be well known for…。同時,應注意到前後兩個分句把professor White的短篇小說和戲劇進行了對比,故應用well的比較級。
『伍』 語法在英語的學習中一定很重要嗎
『陸』 英語ing是高中的-ing語法么,還是別的什麼培訓學校
一般式 完成式
主動形式 doing 主動形式 having done
被動形式 being done 被動形式 having been done
-ing分詞的否定形式是由not 加-ing分詞構成。如:
Not knowing his address, I could do nothing but stay at home and wait.
His not coming made all of us angry. 他沒來使我們大家都很生氣。
2. -ing分詞的一般式和完成式:
Being a student, he was interested in books. 作為一個學生,他對書本很感興趣。
Not having studied his lessons very hard, he failed the examinations. 因為沒有努力學習功課,他考試不及格。
3. -ing分詞的被動式:
-ing分詞的被動式表示它的邏輯主語是-ing分詞動作的承受者。根據-ing分詞動作發生的時間,-ing分詞的被動式有一般被動式(being done)和完成被動式(having been done)。如:
The question being discussed is very important. 正在被討論的問題很重要。
Having been criticized by the teacher, he gave up smoking. 被老師批評以後,他把煙戒了。
注意:在need, want, require, be worth等動詞(短語)後,作賓語的-ing分詞常用主動形式來表示被動含義。如:
Your shoes need cleaning. = Your shoes need to be cleaned. 你的鞋需要清洗一下了。
This book is well worth reading. 這本書很值得一看。
4. -ing分詞的語法作用
再說一下英語ing學校吧!!英語ing英語培訓機構的外教通過電話一對一教授日常口語,商務口語,雅思口語.面試英語,外貿口語,青少年英語等,每天回到家,晚上可以學10-20分鍾,而且時間,外教都可以任選,均有指定教材,外教都是很有經驗的老師,報名後每位學員在網站上都有專屬學習地盤,每晚上課時外教會就你的問題當時提出糾正,上課後會在學員的學習地盤中留下當晚學習的詳細評語和學員的進步情況分析,及第二天晚上上課討論的建議。最重要的是,網站上有學員每晚學習的錄音,學員可下載收聽對照自己的學習;.學員還可以每天在網站的學習地盤給外教寫email,以鍛煉email寫作,外教均會及時回復;還有日常培訓老師跟進教學效果。 另外還有視頻英語外教一對一輔導課程。免費外教水平測試,簡單注冊即可測試(測試結果很詳細反映該學員的實際口語水平)。免費的哦。。。
『柒』 問下,英語中的常用的語法 想形容詞修飾動詞、 be+形容詞等 並列舉一個例子。
形容詞是不能修飾動詞的,只能是副詞修飾動詞,比如,walk carefully
be +形容詞,叫系表結構,多了去回了
i am tall
i am hungry
i am happy
you look sad
he gets angry (答 look get也是聯系動詞,也是跟形容詞的)
『捌』 大連哪些英語培訓學校是語法和口語兼顧,有外教的
樂其英語 是外教教口語的 還不錯
『玖』 只要專業的水準的練習校,英語培訓排名單詞和語法如何做
『拾』 孩子英語語法很差,有好的英語培訓機構推薦嗎