① 新視野大學英語1unit2課文語法解析
桑迪走進浴室,打開淋浴噴頭。開始水有點冷,不過這倒可以幫她清醒清醒。過了一會兒,水就越來越熱。她想:「淋浴的感覺就是好,我可以一個人在這里唱歌,沒人打擾我。」 她抓起香皂,渾身上下洗個遍,連頭發也洗了。 要是她在浴室呆得太久,她媽媽或爸爸就會砰砰地敲門催她快點。 她趕緊抓了條浴巾,把身子擦乾。
「我知道,媽媽, 可我上學快遲到了,沒時間坐著吃。」
「媽,我都15歲了,到了可以化妝的年齡了。給您說實話吧,學校的女孩子都化妝,有些還紋身,還有耳朵,鼻子,舌頭上穿洞呢。媽我沒有時間給您說,我快遲到了,得走了。再見」 桑迪匆匆吻了一下媽媽的臉頰,拿起書沖出了屋子。
② 新視野大學英語2(第二版)課文,單詞Mp3
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③ 求《新視野大學英語讀寫課程第二版2》的Unit3的課文中的一些語法、片語、難理解的句子分析什麼的,
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④ 第三版新視野大學英語讀寫教程1 Unit 2 Section B課文主要內容
Unit1a 學習外抄語是我一生中最艱苦也是最有意義的經歷之一。 雖然時常遭遇挫折,但卻非常有價值。 我學外語的經歷始於初中的第一堂英語課。 老師很慈祥耐心,時常表揚學生。 由於這種積極的教學方法,我踴躍回答各種問題,從不怕答錯。 兩年中,...
⑤ 新視野大學英語第二版 unit3文章結構分析
查看文章 新視野大學英語第二冊課後翻譯答案(U1-U7)漢譯英2008-05-29 18:29Unit 11. 在有些人眼裡,畢加索(Picasso)的繪畫會顯得十分荒謬。In the eyes of some people, Picasso』s paintings would seem rather foolish.2. 他們利潤增長部分的原因是由於採用了新的市場策略。The increase in their profits is e partly to their new market strategy.3. 那個男人告訴妻子把葯放在最上面的擱架上,這樣孩子們就夠不著了。The man told his wife to keep the medicine on the top shelf so that it would be beyond the children』s reach.4. 有錢不一定幸福。Happiness doesn』t always go with money.5. 那輛小汽車從我買來以後盡給我添麻煩。That car has given me nothing but trouble ever since I bought it.Unit 21.自今年夏初起, 海爾公司 (Haier) 展開了空調促銷的廣告大戰。Since the beginning of this summer, Haier has waged a massive ad campaign to promote its air-conditioner sales.2.瑪麗的父母不同意她去美國,因此她最終能否實現自己的願望尚不可知。Mary』s parents frown on the idea of her going to America, so it remains to be seen whether she will realize her dream.3. 羅斯明白約翰源源不斷的來信,連同無數的玫瑰花,目的是為了贏得她的心。Rose knows that continuous letters from John, together with countless roses, are aimed at winning her heart.4. 政府通過資助種植果樹以使荒地重新變綠,成功地改善了生態環境。Through sponsoring the growing of fruit trees to regenerate waste land, the government succeeded in improving the ecological environment.5.政府已採取了一系列新的環保措施,由此在全國多地出現了許多公園和公共綠地。 The government has undertaken a series of new environmental initiatives. As a result, many parks and green belts have sprung up all over the country.Unit 31. 人生充滿了歡樂與痛苦。Life is full of ups and downs. be full of / be filled with2. 我始終知道他會以優異的成績畢業。I knew all along that he would graate with distinction.3. 工作人員對這一說法的真實性有些保留看法。The working staff had some reservations about the truth of the claim.4. 當地政府將毫不猶豫地採取最嚴厲的措施對付犯罪分子。 The local government will not hesitate to take the severest measures against criminals.5. 他企圖以滔滔不絕的談話來拖延時間。He tried to buy time by doing a lot of talking.Unit 41. 對大多數父母來說,送孩子出國學習的決定是經過仔細考慮後做出的。 他們會盡力在孩子離開之前安排好一切。For most parents, the decision to send children abroad for study is made after careful thinking. They will try to have everything worked out before their children leave.2. 傑克才開始工作了三個月,經驗尚不足,所以讓他獨立完成這項任務是有困難的。Jack has only been working for three months, so, for lack of experience, he will have difficulty finishing the task alone.3. 只要你詳細說明要我們做些什麼,我們就會盡力幫你做好一切准備的。As long as you specify what we are expected to do, we』ll try our best to help you get everything ready.4. 蘇珊以為自己會很快適應那兒的生活,可後來發現事情沒那麼容易,於是她開始想家(homesick)。Susan had thought she would adapt to life there soon, but she found later things were not so easy, and she began to feel homesick.5. 當離別時刻到來時,這些孩子忐忑不安起來,因為他們不知道自己是否能適應沒有父母在身邊的生活。Tension descended on these children when it was time for departure, since they didn』t know whether they could adapt to the life without parents.Unit 51. 我父親太忘事,老是在找鑰匙。My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.2. 再沒有收到過他的信,於是我們開始懷疑他是否還活著。Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was still alive.3. 對於這位科學家來說,凌晨兩、三點鍾上床睡覺是很平常的事。It is not unusual for the scientist to go to bed at two or three in the morning.4. 那人彎腰從地上把書撿起來。The man bent down and picked up the book from the floor.5. 麗貝卡(Rebecca)把頭靠在丈夫的肩頭哭起來了。Leaning her head on her husband』s shoulder, Rebecca began to cry.Unit 61. 她誤解了自己最好的朋友,感到非常內疚。 She was very guilty about not having understood/having misunderstood her best friend.2. 她容貌秀美, 舉止優雅,很吸引人。 Her good looks and elegant manners are very attractive.3. 顯然,他總以為自己的學歷和工作經歷肯定會給人深刻的印象, 但實際並非如此。Obviously, he takes it for granted that his ecational background and work experience are surely impressive. But actually they are not.4. 他引用一位著名藝術評論家的話,為自己的繪畫才能增加一點自信心。 By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to his talents.5.每個學生都有自己的不同特點,友善或拘謹,長相平平或漂亮嫵媚。老師不應該歧視中間任何人。Every student has his or her characteristic qualities, such as friendliness or reserve, plainness or charm. A teacher should not be prejudiced against any of them.Unit 71. 醫生建議說, 有壓力的人要學會做一些新鮮有趣、富有挑戰性的事情, 來發泄負面情緒。The doctor recommends that those stressed people should try some new, interesting and challenging things in order to give their negative feelings an outlet.2. 那個學生的成績差,老師給他布置了更多的作業,而不是減少作業量。The teacher gives more homework to the students who has bad grades, instead of allowing him to cut that down.3. 盡管我已經把許多任務分派給其他人去做,我依然擔心這項計劃無法趕在4月1日截止期前完成。Although I』ve delegated many tasks to other people, I』m still afraid that I won』t be able to finish the plan before the April 1 deadline.4. 從醫生的角度看,脾氣越急躁的人越易於失控。因此他們往往容易患心臟病。From a doctor』s viewpoint, the hotter-tempered people get, the more likely they are to lose control. Consequently, they tend to suffer from heart diseases.5. 教師首先要考慮的事情之一是喚起學生的興趣,激發他們的創造性。A teacher』s priorities include exciting students』 interests and stimulating their creativity.