① 振宇英語六級資料怎麼樣
級並不像你想像中的那樣難,我英語成績也不好,但級是一次考過。首先要對自己有信心;其次,復習方法要得當並長久堅持。嗯 順便說一下 我現在學的ABC天卞英語的教師要我明白 其實想將英語學好很簡單的~必須有個符合的研習環境及練習口語對象,重點就是老師教學經驗,純正歐美口音才行 堅決每日口語交流,1&1家教式教學才可以有很.好.的學習成果。上完課需要重復復習課堂錄音檔,把所學知識融會貫通 然後要是真的沒有練習對象的情況,就上聽力室或BBC拿到課余學習材料研習,多問多聽迅速的語感就培養起來 學習效益會非常突飛猛進的..我的復習方法是先做閱讀和聽力的專項練習,因為這兩部分級總分的0%,只要這兩項加和能拿到0分基本就能過,作文考前背模版、動手寫兩篇,應該能得分,翻譯和完型總能蒙個0分吧,加起來還有10分富裕呢!閱讀每天做-篇,聽力一周一份題,記住「貴在堅持」。到月中旬,開始做成套的卷子,盡量按照考試流程和時間做題,以進行考前適應,每做完一份都要仔細分析,了解出題人的思路。專項練習買新東方、王長喜的都可以,卷子建議買真題+模擬的卷子(因為全真題早年的有舊題型沒有用處,全模擬題又不便了解出題者的思路和考試難度),目前這種卷子我知道的只有考試蟲和星火英語一款上海交大的老師主編的(我去年用的是星火的)。最後,祝你此次考試順利通過!^_^
② 英語六級考試的教學視頻有沒有人有,分享一份給我,非常感謝
你好,首先祝你考試成功!首先,回答你第一個問題,自我介紹不需要範文,考試時自我介紹的時間很短的,你只要介紹你叫什麼名字,再加兩句,如.或者再加一句自己的興趣愛好,inmysparetime,ihavesomehobbies,suchasikemakingfriends,somesports,andlearningenglish.meinterest.就可以了。當然,你要視現場情況而定,有的只需要你介紹自己的名字和admissionnumber.此環節盡量集中注意力去聽別人的話,尤其是別人的名字,在你討論的時候,你會用到別人的名字的。順便一提,我現在學的ABC天卞英語中心的助教才和我提過 其實想學會英語很簡單的!堅持要有一個符合的研習環境及練習口語對象 最關鍵就是外教水平,標准口音(建議找歐美外教)才可以,保持逐日口語交流 1v1加強化教學才會有最.好.的學習成效..課程結束後需要重聽課堂音頻 好鞏固知識點!若真的是無口語交談的人的狀況下,就到 VOA或BBC得到課後材料研習 多說多問短時間語境就培養起來,學習成長應該可以迅速明顯的。其次,在第二個環節,有部分時間做准備,此時你要理清話題思路,自己在大腦里總結話題的框架,這樣在表達自己的觀點時,條理比較清晰;千萬不要把時間浪在自己應該怎樣表達一下句子。因為在考試的時候,考官是一下就能聽出你是背句子還是在說句子,說句子的水平一定會比背句子的水平高。你只要想好了大體的框架,該你發言時,你只要把自己想說一些句子添加進去就可以,這樣就會顯得你說的很有條理,清晰。另外,如果你不是第一個發言,你可以抽時間去整理自己的思路,而沒有很大必要去聽別人的言論。然後就是討論,討論是要注意,自己不能一直說,也不能不說,保持一個平衡,當然反對或贊同別人的觀點時都可以,但反對觀點時,一定要客氣,千萬別和打架似的,這樣才會給考官好印象。再次,在第三個環節,考官會問你幾個問題,此時一定要聽清老師的句子,盡量別讓老師重復他所說的,否則會讓老師感覺很不爽快。回答時,也是遵循一定條理的,在問的時候,問題都是和第二部分相關的,你可以整理一下第二部分的思路。最後,如果感覺氣氛很好,和考官以及組員一一握手,那麼這就是最完美的閉幕了。以上只是自己的總結,可能會有很多不可取的地方,只是希望大家看完之後能學到一些東西,這樣就足夠了,thankyouforyourtime!
③ 英語六級歷年考試真題 電子版
^你好,來我是兔兔禿90,用源網路網盤分享給你,點開就可以保存,鏈接永久有效^_^鏈接:https://pan..com/s/10l5r9FXDkpfRCtHdxlAe2Q 提取碼:0000
④ 外研社出版的的方振宇主編的大學英語六級考試710分快速突破系列的書有內容重復的嗎
⑤ 大學英語六級三套預測卷振宇英語網
⑥ 求英語六級考試A卷答案
1. A) her daughters' repeated complains
2. D) People haven't yet reached agreement on its definition
3. C) can realize what is important in life
4. A) it seriously affected family relationships
5. C) depressed
6. B) His family had intervened
7. B) curb his desire for online gaming
8. had an Internet addiction
9. professional help
10. online dating
Section A
short conversation
11. C) He cannot get access to the assigned book.
12. A) She will drive the man to the supermarket.
13. C) Tidy up the place.
14. A) The talks can be held any day except this Friday.
15. A) He understands the woman』s feelings.
16. D) She has to invite David to the party.
17. C) Many students find Prof. Johnson』s lectures boring.
18. D) Assemble a computer.
long conversation
19. B) It requires him to work long hours.
20. D) It demands physical enrance and patience.
21. D) In a hotel.
22. B) Paying attention to every detail.
23. A) The pocket money British children get.
24. C) It often rises higher than inflation.
25. B) Pay for small personal things.
Section B
Passage 1
26. B) District managers
27. D) The important part played by district managers
28. B) Fifty percent of them were female
29. B) He was not gender sensitive
Passage 2
30. C) Ask to see the manager politely but firmly
31. D) You can』t tell how the person on the line is reacting
32. D) Stick to the point
Passage 3
33. B) Architect
34. A) Do some volunteer work.
35. C) A baby-sitter is no replacement for a mother.
Section C
36. curious
37. figuring
38. independent
39. unusual
40. interacting
41. formal
42. abstract
43. mystery
44. he has found out how it works and learnt to use it appropriately
45. by trying it out and seeing whether it works, by graally changing it and refining it
46. including many of the concepts that the schools think only they can teach him
Section A
47. G incredibly
48. K replace
49. J reced
50. L sense
51. H powering
52. D exceptions
53. E expand
54. O vast
55. F historic
56. I protect
Section B
Passage 1
57. C) Its ability to ward off disasters is incredible.
58. A) Data for analyzing the cause of the crash.
59. C) The early models often got damaged in the crash.
60. C) To make them easily identifiable.
61. A) There is still a good chance for their being recovered.
Passage 2
62. B) It is based on the concept of positive thinking
63. A) Encouraging positive thinking may do more harm than good
64. B) You are pointing out the errors he has committed
65. C) Forcing a person to think positive thoughts may lower their self-esteem
66. B) Meditation may prove to be a good form of psychotherapy
67. B) differ
68. B) via
69. B) used
70. B) lies
71. B) of
72. D) selects
73. A) sends in
74. A) visible
75. C) beyond
76. D) allows
77. B) behind
78. D) insignificant
79. C) corporations
80. D) only
81. B) later
82. D) provided
83. D) besides
84. A) and
85. C) widespread
86. A) acquired
87. (in) concentrating on the experiment/ focusing her attention on the experiment.
88. did she become angry/did she lose her temper before.
89. being invited to attend the opening ceremony.
90. (should) be fixed/installed by the window
91. the strong opposition of her parents/ her parents』 strong opposition.
⑦ 振宇英語六級黃皮書怎麼樣
不是真題,不適合做題,最多用來閱讀,思路和真題命題思路差距大。哦 對了,我目前上的ABC天卞英語的導師才和我提過 就是想學會英語應該是不費力地 一定需要個恰當的學習情境及熟練口語對象 外教水平很重要 標准口音才是最好,堅決每天口語溝通 1v1針對性教學才會有更.好.的學習成效。課程結束後需要重復復習課堂錄音檔,幫助加強記憶~若真的是無口語交談的人的狀況下,那麼就到 VOA或大耳朵拿到課後材料學習,多說多練一下子英語水平就提升起來 學習效益肯定會最佳的~考研英語講究邏輯。還是以真題為主,好好研究總結最好 查看更多答案
⑧ 大學英語六級考試710分聽力快速突破MP3(方振宇主編)
⑨ 往年英語六級考試(CET6),哪幾套卷子比較難,哪幾套比較簡單