❶ 求一份詳細的英語四級學習計劃
❷ 四級英語學習計劃怎麼寫
❸ 求一篇英語作文 求四級考試前的學習計劃 內容為做四級真題 求高手寫作 求網路資源
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❹ 求一份,英語四級學習計劃書。
❺ 英語四級 學習計劃
ABC天卞英語是不錯.好.的,我目前學習的這一家挺不錯的,每天外教一對一的教學,除了語境好進步很快 課後還有雙語助教根據我的上課錄音給我學習建議和課後輔導 老師根據我情況給我制定學習計劃,而且還會給我耐心解答問題!我英語基礎也不好,大學英語四級一共考了四次,前三次都沒過。而且前三次分數都差不多,沒什麼進步。最後那次考了1,對於像我這種英語基礎不好的人來說已經算是比較高的分數了。我復習了兩個月,講一下我當時的復習計劃吧。我當時復慣用了兩個月的時間。第一個月復習計劃一、先是背單詞,因為基礎不好,對英語的理解力差,單詞量就很重要。我當時用的書是《淘金式分頻詞彙級分冊》,這本書的好處是,頻率出現最高的單詞會排在最前面,按照四級考試中出現的頻率高低依次往後排,這樣你就能從最重要的單詞背起。我每天背幾個LESSON,第二天再把前一天背的復習一遍,再背新的LESSON,第三天把前兩天的復習一遍,然後再背第三天要背的,單詞能盡快背完最好,每天背幾個LESSON的單詞根據你自己的情況安排。總體來講,一個月之內最好背完。(平均每天花個小時)註:背單詞的時候不要純背單詞,最好能好好看看例句,知道單詞的具體用法,語境等等,這對做聽力、閱讀都是有好處的。二、每天都堅持聽聽力一個半到兩個小時,我當時還另外買了一本四級的輔導書,名字記不清了,好象叫《四級英語顛峰訓練》(大概的名字)裡面針對四級考試分項訓練,差不多夠你用一個月的時間了,第二個月,就可以做歷年真題了。(平均每天一個半到兩個小時)註:開始聽得時候也許有些關鍵地方會聽不明白,不要先急於看答案和註解,多聽幾遍。看答案的時候把自己聽不明白和錯誤的地方仔細看看,裡面有一些你不太清楚地固定短語,單詞等等,把它們記下來,一般來說,四級英語的聽力都在一定的范圍內,你聽精了,自然就沒問題了。三、閱讀。我閱讀正確率開始的時候很低,我覺得我理解的原文的意思和真正的原文的意思好像有差距。我當然明白四級閱讀的比例的重要性。所以專門強化了閱讀。當時我看到網上推薦了一本書,叫《新編大學英語四級閱讀10篇》,是上海交通大學潘曉燕主編,我當時的計劃是每天做篇,10篇做完剛好0天,我做這本閱讀也是嚴算時間做的,根據四級考試平均每篇閱讀所需時間。這本書也是第一個月要做完的,第二個月是要做真題用的。最後考下來我閱讀大概是0%的正確率吧。註:雖然量變產生質變,但是也不能一味悶頭去做,做閱讀也有技巧的,首先先看下面的問題,帶著問題有目標的看閱讀,正確率會比較高,如果遇到時間不太夠的情況,你可以看每段開頭第一句,這樣也能幫你提高蒙答案的正確率。在這方面你可以上網搜一些技巧學習學習。四、作文。對於作文我沒有太特意的准備,首先在背單詞的時候的很多例句或著好的句子我順便都背了,上文提到的《顛峰訓練》中對各個部分的訓練都有,對於作文的式,一些好的範文的句子我都背了,有一些得分點你可以把握,比如說:連接詞用的好了會很得分,象then,inaddition,also,等等,還比如一些表示邏輯關系的詞,最常見的first,second,trd,還比如說我認為Itnk,你換一種說法,說asfarasIamconcerned,閱卷老師就會對你不自覺地產生好感,你的分自然就不會低拉。接著第二個月開始做真題,我當時把歷年的真題都做了遍以上,最好卡著時間做,這是為了適應考試,如果你沒有一個整段的時間,你每部分卡時間做也可以。我這兩個月所有做過的題都是卡著時間做的,目的是能夠適應真正的考試。
❻ 求一篇關於"英語四級學習計劃"的英語作文
20 minutes to learn a word, pay attention to efficiency, according to their own schele in the morning or Wanzi Xi.
2 and a half hour hearing, attention must be based on the original analysis of the reasons for the error.
Reading 3, a set of questions every day, so the first day of serious, careful analysis of the second day, I would say the following specific methods of analysis.
Composition 4, stuffing the memory template, I have the following specific requirements.
Well, specifically how to do the following:
Word: not to give up but to give up meaningless to repeat the word memory, it is necessary to target only Zhenti back over the years appear on the new words, especially in the last 10 years. 20 day memory and at the same time the next day and review again the third day of the recall Oh.
Zhenti years of use: Do not buy any other information in English, and in particular over the years Zhenti the last 10 years in full accordance with the requirements of the examination fully enough to do it again, done in accordance with the reference to the back of the answer to each of his marker the wrong place! Analysis of attention to sum up these deficiencies.
Reading: The answer carefully controlled and, in doing its own analysis of the subject when the answer to why the election? Why do I always ruled out the answers to two in the remaining two of the answers choice is a standard / wrong answer? The answer to your election and the standard answer about control, and analysis of the distinction between (must be found based on the original!) Everything should be based on the original!
Hearing: Department turn attention to keep the tone and cause and effect of small words, this is the key topic of hearing, such as but.although, and, therefor, however, in that ... ..., to a high degree of tension in the brain, as the following may be the very test sites!
Composition: strongly recommend the use of templates, but not to , but to find a few good about their own assembly, and then Gungualanshu. At the beginning of the 2 - 3 sentences must be no obvious grammatical errors! The structure of the proposed three-line, marking the teacher can not read word for word of your writing, so some of you in the middle do not have to worry too much about it, to neat handwriting, sent word in the middle of the sentence there is no need to be too difficult to use the word or phrase.
Quick read: pay attention to the subject first look at the article! ! ! To search for keywords in the subject, such as capital letters, names, time (1982 etc.), which allows you to quickly and efficiently locate the original text, and then quickly judge is wrong.
Fill in the blank words: word for giving classified part of speech, such as nouns verbs and so on, then fill in the context to judge what part of speech of the word, this greatly increased the efficiency.
❼ 有誰用過星火大學英語四級詞彙周計劃的大家是怎麼用的,有用嗎